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When we create an account, we should be added to our mailing list #27

Open jonquet opened 8 years ago

jonquet commented 8 years ago

Quand on crée un compte il y a une checkbox qui offre de s'inscrire a une mailing liste de BioPortal... ce qui ne se passe pas d'ailleurs.

Faudrait que chez nous cela implique une inscription a (que l'on peut faire a la main, si on a une notification qui dit que qq vient de creer un compte). Je peux faire les inscritpions (j'ai les mains sur la mailing liste) maunellement;

jonquet commented 8 years ago

Vincent, as tu une notification quand qq crée un compte sur un de nos portail ?

antool commented 8 years ago

Non, on ne reçoit pas de notification (ni Vincent, ni moi).

antool commented 8 years ago

Vincent, pourrais-tu voir comment faire pour obtenir cette notification ?

antool commented 8 years ago

En cours.

jonquet commented 8 years ago

Suivi par email direct. On s'en occupe.

jonquet commented 8 years ago

Du nouveau la dessus ? On avait évoquer de faire un appel automatique a Sympa pour ajouter un membre sur la mainling list. Si c'est trop dur, on laisse tomber. Une fois de temps en temps je mettrai a jour la mailing list manuellement.

Dites moi.

jonquet commented 7 years ago

On gère cela à la main avec @antool. * Liste mise a jour en avril 2017.

jonquet commented 2 years ago

Je re-ouvre ce ticket pour qu'on essaye avec @syphax-bouazzouni de l'autmatiser du coup.

jonquet commented 1 year ago

(translation of the tracker in English)

When you create an account there is a checkbox that offers to subscribe to a BioPortal mailing list...


With AgroPortal, this would have to involve registration at agr** We had mentioned making an automatic call to Sympa mailing list server to add a member to the mailing list.

jonquet commented 1 year ago

@jvendetti @mdorf Does this feature work on BioPortal side ?

jvendetti commented 1 year ago

No, it hasn't worked for a long time:

syphax-bouazzouni commented 1 year ago

The implementation of the feature depends on the Mailing List Management Software used, but generally, it consists of sending emails with a specific subject to the server mail.

In our case (LIRMM/UM), our used tool is sympa, and to subscribe a user to a mailing list we need to send a mail to with the subject subscribe list_name lastname firstname (see documentation:

In the case of Stanford, the tool used is Mailman, and the subscription process is different, with this tool you need to send a mail from the user mail to the list subscription address, which will be in the form LISTNAME-join@DOMAIN. see

In the code, this was implemented in the UI, here (unchanged since 2011)

jonquet commented 8 months ago

An idea tonight ... for our button that are sendin an email maybe it could be even betetr to redirect to

Then someone can decide by itself to register or un register.