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Update how the ontology-level attributes are extracted at the process time #293

Open syphax-bouazzouni opened 2 years ago

syphax-bouazzouni commented 2 years ago


Vincent at 2016 developed a way to automatically extract ontology submission attributes from the parsed ontology. The development was done in two project

  1. First, the owlapi_wrapper where he added a function called addOntologyIRIAndImports to add triples to save the ontology IRI and the omv:imports
  2. Secondly he implemented a function in the ontologies_linked_data to extract automatically the ontology_submission attributes, see extract_ontology_metadata declaration for the details
  3. Also a lot of work was done the project Goo, to enhance the DSL on describing attribues, so that was can have something like this:
      attribute :description, namespace: :omv, enforce: [:concatenate], extractedMetadata: true, helpText: "Free text description of the ontology.",
                metadataMappings: ["dc:description", "dct:description", "doap:description", "schema:description", "oboInOwl:remark"]

    Where before it was like this

      attribute :description, namespace: :omv



Then later rebundle and refactor the work of Vincent to small changes that we will share with upstream with pull request

To be continued