agroportal / project-management

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Enhance Raw data display by resolving classic properties name #497

Open jonquet opened 3 months ago

jonquet commented 3 months ago

The Raw data part of the UI is here to show the content not mapped to our generic model. This part corresponds to the diversity of the ontology and is a bit hard to exploit because from one ontology to the other, the properties used to define a class may come from tons of external vocabularies or the current ontology itself.

This ends up on a situation where we show "unlcear" information to our users. See for instance

Capture d’écran 2024-03-08 à 11 05 31

This is a bit obscure because IAO_0000117 is a property for "definition editor" and RO_0002215 is a property named "capable of" We do not have IAO in AgroPortal (although we could) but we have RO and this property in AgroPortal : (a bit hard to found has properties are not yet indexed)

We could at least in the UI

Then load IAO to have the same feature.

jonquet commented 3 months ago

Note that ultimtaly.. ontologies such as IAO, RO and even RDFS, OBOINOWL (for the example above) should be served by the federation of OntoPortal from a portal such LOVPortal that would contain only metadata vocabularies (non thematic).