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Logical axioms (equivalentClass or subClassOf done with ow:Restriction) are transformed into direct triples by our backend #499

Open jonquet opened 3 months ago

jonquet commented 3 months ago

I like to investigate a bit how we deal with logical axioms in AgroPortal.

Lets take SFWO as an example:

_We use logical axioms a lot, because our ontology is designed for applications that use reasoning. Here is an example of a logical definition: microbivore ( = eats some microorganism We also have some General Class Axioms: microbivore and ('member of' some Oribatida) SubClassOf 'member of' value Oribatida.microbivores_

Indeed the source file show this: (e.g. RO_0002470 = "eats")

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and later (with NCBITaxon_66551 = "Oribatida)

Capture d’écran 2024-03-08 à 11 59 06

Then our API call for the resulted class in our backend is :

But this shows that on our side the equivalentClass and restriction has been transformed into a direct triple : SFWO_0000061 (subject) RO_0002470 (predicate) SFWO_0000062 (object)

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Which is confirmed by our triple store:

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And the General Class Axioms do not even appear... they are not parsed/treated.

jonquet commented 3 months ago

I am not sure of what we should do exactly to "deal with" these logical axioms ... but I am not crazy about the fact that we flatten the owl:Restriction into a triple. @jvendetti an idea ?

syphax-bouazzouni commented 3 months ago

Where do you see the flattened axioms ? did they not disappear;

jonquet commented 3 months ago

Well in the UI, in the Raw data part, the json triple is basically displayed like this:

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jonquet commented 3 months ago

Related to this... need investigation: CO_356 has similar OWL restrictions statements but they are not "flatten" into simple relation by the OWL-API. Source file

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Result in AgroPortal

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To do: