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False EN prefLabel generated when there is no english label for a concept #515

Open jonquet opened 2 months ago

jonquet commented 2 months ago

Go to:

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Whereas the source file does not contains this label.

Then this false label "take over" real one int he hierachy (when all languages is selected):

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jonquet commented 2 months ago

Then this false label "take over" real one int he hierachy (when all languages is selected):

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syphax-bouazzouni commented 2 months ago

At the parsing level, if we don't find for a concept a label in English or not tagged, we generate one, with no language tag(see the highlighted line in the screenshot below).

For the why we show here the generated label and not the portuguese one, in the "all languages" option. it is because Portuguese is not a priority, over the English or no-tagged values.


jonquet commented 2 months ago

To be discussed again. The behaviour is not really ok. Using the ID/notation as label is supposed to be a fall back in the UI but not a fallback in the backend (with a false triple generated) which then provoques a weird behaviour in the UI.

jonquet commented 2 months ago

Note that with THESAGRO we see this behaviour (within the tree) is not consistent (random pick up a label):

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