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Q&A Page Federated Search #602

Open jonquet opened 2 weeks ago

jonquet commented 2 weeks ago
user34ngrau commented 1 week ago

Q&A session - 20th of September (Nina, Sophie & Anne Sophie) Template of the answers : Number - [Title of the issue] : [Description of the issue] followed by an example : text and/ or screenshot and/or recording

1- [Coloration of the Icon of the link transferring to the portal] : [The coloration of the icon of the Link that you have to click to go to the ontology isn't corresponding to the color of the portal] e.g; "Arbre "is found in AgroPortal (green) and BioPortal (blue) , however the icon of the link that transferring to bioportal is green and not blue) image

2- ["Hand" icon on portal icon] : [A "hand" icon is appearing when the mouse pass over the portal icon but when you click on the portal icon nothing happen] SearchFede_Mouse

3- [Result ranking - heterogenous] : [Difficulties to understand the ranking of the results] e.g. Search: measurement, in all Portals, and results aren't sorted by Portals. BioPortal, then IndustryPortal, then BioPortal

4- [Result sorted icons - heterogenous] : [Need a normalisation of the apparition of the icon affiliated to a results] e.g. 1st- Portal, 2nd-Details, 3-Visualise, 4-Mapping etc...

5- [Search Portal intersection] : [Would be nice to find a result into 2 portals]

6- [Absence Terms] : [Sentence of the result mentioned Portals that doesn't contain the term] e.g. Search: Arbre; Language French; Results : "Match in 4 Ontologies from Portal1, Portal2, Portal3", however, results indicate that not results have been found in Portal2 and Portal3. Would be better if the results sentence mentioned that terms match with the Portal where the term is found


7- [Search options] : [Icon for search option isn't enough visible] e.g. Representation of the Option with "square bracket" isnt clear / The localisation of the "Options" would be under the search bar and not at the right image

8- [Instant search] : [Results appears immediately after clicking on an search option, like for browse] e.g. Click on AgroPortal then results start to appears , and then can select another Portal...