agross / immich-duplicates

Find image and video duplicates in Immich.
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Allow archiving assets #19

Open aero31aero opened 5 months ago

aero31aero commented 5 months ago

Hey, thanks for the awesome tool! I had a feature request:

Immich currently doesn't allow deleting files from external libraries.

All "non-best" assets will be deleted (i.e. moved to Immich's Trash if you have that feature enabled)

Please allow configuring this bit to archive the duplicates instead, or generate a filelist in browser that includes file paths of the assets.


I want to delete some stuff in the external libraries, so I figure an easy workaround would be to get a list of file paths to delete, that I can then manually delete on the server with ssh and rm $( cat files_to_delete.txt ) or similar.