agsh / rtsp-ffmpeg

Node.js FFMpeg wrapper for streaming RTSP into MotionJPEG
MIT License
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RTSP H264 stream no image output no error, how to turn error log on #20

Closed deqoder closed 6 years ago

deqoder commented 6 years ago

My stream source is in RTSP protocol and H264 encode from camera, tested with VLC is OK, but use example/server.js and select cam3(my own cam) there is no image output, no error output, if I select cam0, its OK. I add console.log before wsocket.emit('data', data); in example/server.js, and I can see console.log is not called when use cam3(my own cam).

I see this in ../lib/rtsp-ffmpeg.js

FFMpeg.prototype._args = function() {
        return this.arguments.concat([
                '-loglevel', 'quiet'

So, how to turn loglevel to highest

deqoder commented 6 years ago

I solved myself.

evang9410 commented 6 years ago

@deqoder can you please elaborate on how you solved this issue? I am experiencing the same thing