agsh / rtsp-ffmpeg

Node.js FFMpeg wrapper for streaming RTSP into MotionJPEG
MIT License
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How to run multiple stream in FFMPEG in RTSP? #41

Closed jayeshtechextensor closed 2 years ago

jayeshtechextensor commented 2 years ago


Suppose I have two media stream https://localhost:6147/?url=rtsp:// and https://localhost:6147/?url=rtsp://

Now, I want to run both streams at the same time with different-different browsers. But write now the output is coming common stream in both browsers and "I want to get output is a different stream with different browser at a time"

How can I manage? Any help would be very appreciated!

agsh commented 2 years ago

@jayeshhhh hi! If I understood correctly, you want to start a brand new stream for each client. For this you can just create new rtsp.FFMpeg instance for each client request. Juse replace server's code with something like this:

io.on('connection', function(socket) {
  var uri = 'rtsp://',
  stream = new rtsp.FFMpeg({input: uri});
  var pipeStream = function(data) {
    socket.emit('data', data.toString('base64'));
  stream.on('data', pipeStream);
  socket.on('disconnect', function() {
    stream.removeListener('data', pipeStream);

But, the purpose of this library, on the contrary, is to reduce the number of ffpmeg processes. And to share only one stream between clients and stop ffmpeg when no one is subscribed on the stream. This is useful when you have live translation from ip-camera, for example, to reduce server's cpu and memory usage.

jayeshtechextensor commented 2 years ago

Hello @agsh , Thank you so much for the quick reply :)

I have almost followed the same process in my code. You can check it following my video link:

Please check and update I think I have to make some minor changes. Thank you in advance

jayeshtechextensor commented 2 years ago
return this.arguments.concat([
    '-loglevel', 'quiet',
    '-i', this.input,
    '-r', this.rate.toString()
    this.quality ? ['-q:v', this.quality.toString()] : [],
    this.resolution ? ['-s', this.resolution] : [],
    // '-vf', 'fps=25',
    // '-b:v', '32k',
    '-f', 'image2',
    '-update', '1',

Also, I'm trying to code modify here to run multiple streams. Following the FFMPEG doc.

agsh commented 2 years ago

@jayeshhhh Sorry for the late, a lot of work :tired_face:. I think that the stream.on('data', <smth>); event shares sources to each client. Can you provide the whole example to check it?

jayeshtechextensor commented 2 years ago

@agsh I resolve the issue. thank you for time :)

agsh commented 2 years ago
