[x] Simulator params should be read-only, and let user only choose which simulator will be used
[x] Add a border color for the currently selected one
Changes to be applied in Scenario Creator:
[x] In the simulation horizon there are 96 hours instead of 24 hours. We need to do the change in the backend and not mislead the user.
[x] Maybe it is misleading that the calendar start as default value in today day (not important, we can skip it)
[x] We have to remove the asset EB, in the definition of the scenario and in the results - content table of the scenario
[x] In the both centralised and localised heat there are the parameter C Rate instead of the efficiency [%]
[x] For RES Curtailment it will be better to have “yes/no” as choices for the user (maybe a short explanation could be interesting: like “curtail the RES production where it exceed the demand?”).
Yes will count as '1' and No as '0'
[x] Scenario Name should not accept names containing '|' inside it
[x] Add 'external.electricity.price' in economy variables
[x] We should minimize the map in general parameters and grow more the grid image
[x] Change the grid images
[x] For 8-node electrical grid create an SVG
[x] Remove the checkbox for minutes/hours in time.step. Only minutes with 15 or 60 as value will be accepted
[x] Simulation Horizon will be given with the datepicker only the checkbox and input is redundant
[ ] It will be nice to have a view button to show the profiles graphs
[x] When selecting tabs in grid selection it should update with the grid selection
[x] check boxes/radio button for 15/60 minutes
[x] dates should only be for 2016
[x] Update Electricity and Heat Files
[ ] Test special characters in Scenario Name if they are saved correctly
[x] Clicking load scenario should re initialize the component
[x] Delete Scenario should return in previous state after deletion of a component
Changes to be applied in Simulation-Run and Simulation-Comparison:
[x] The unit of measurement (10^3MW) in the graph are wrong because we used as peak load very high power like 2000 MW, if we use more realistic data, the results will be realistic as well. A realistic value for a single node do not exceed 5 MW. (It changes dynamically based on the results we can skip)
[ ] A nice to have feature could be like an error message if you insert a peak power that exceed this value
[x] For the 1 node grid we can think to have a similar error message. ( we can skip we can have here unnormal loads)
[x] There is an error in the RES dispatch graph: the RES producibility is not part of the bar but the RES producibility is the sum of all the other values. We can easily solve it butting as title of the y axes “RES producibility”
[x] In the graph, the time is reported as time step number (like 1:96), it will be better to have hours or day/date selected by the user.
[x] About the LCOE result, we should modify the results in order to report the economic values for one year. For example if we simulate only 1 day we ll assume the same day will repeat for the entire year, then we have to multiply all the economic results (except for “equipment expenditure”) for 365. (It will be done in Matlab script by Polito)
[x] It could be interesting to visualize the reverse power flow also in the “normal” results and not only in the comparison part, as well as all the other results could be visualized also in the comparison results.
[x] Some visualizations (LCOE, CO2 and res dispatch) could be merged in a single visualization and the visualization with the time profile maybe not, we can report them close and if it is possible with only one slider that can regulate the time axes in both graphs.
[x] We should allow to compare more the 2 scenarios.
[x] We need an error message if a user try to compare 2 scenarios with different horizon i.e 1 day and 1 year.
[x] Fix clear interval issue by increasing the timer to more than 2 seconds in order to avoid having multiple intervals running concurrently
[x] Fix stacked problem where lower values are above higher values. Add new bar charts for thermal and electricity fulfillment
Changes to be applied in System Params:
Changes to be applied in Scenario Creator:
Changes to be applied in Simulation-Run and Simulation-Comparison: