agul1no / Weatherlicious

This is a mobile Android Application design with the newest Android Jetpack Libraries and with a MVVM Design Pattern. With this application you cancheck the weather in your city consuming the data from an Weather API. The App is built in Kotlin using the retrofit library to communicate with the API. It also uses Navigation Components, View Binding, Dagger Hilt for dependency injection, Room for a caching strategy and the MP Android Chart library to display the data in a chart. You can search for the weather forecast in your favourite city and you are also able to use the application offline and see the latest downloaded weather forecast in your device.
MIT License
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select Item listener in add fragment #23

Closed agul1no closed 2 years ago

agul1no commented 2 years ago

Add the city to the DB ask the user is the city should be main location.

agul1no commented 2 years ago

this feature was successfully implemented.