Inception is a 2010 science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Dom Cobb, a professional thief who steals information by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets. Cobb is offered a chance to have his criminal history erased as payment for the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.
OS (Operating System) version: macOS 14.5
Browser and browser version: Chrome 126.0.6478.63
Django version: django 4.2.4
Martor version & theme: 1.6.44, bootstrap/semantic
Steps to reproduce
Preview in admin page, enter some long text in ``` block
We too are are experiencing this. The workaround for now is for the user to click the full screen icon twice, which resets the widget to a functioning state.
Inception is a 2010 science fiction film directed by Christopher Nolan. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Dom Cobb, a professional thief who steals information by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets. Cobb is offered a chance to have his criminal history erased as payment for the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.
Steps to reproduce