You are tasked with making a database diagram, database, and a few queries for a local car dealership
The database will have at least the following entities, and the following columns:
VIN Number
Date Added to Lot
The following relationships are true:
A Lease has One Car
A Lease can have Many Customers
A Customer can have Many Leases
CarDatas have multiple cars
NOTE: You need to add Primary Keys and Foreign Keys to the tables, as well as add any joining needed.
Practice working with SSMS and Databases
Understanding and creating a Database Diagram
Explorer Mode
[ ] Create a Database Diagram that illustrates the relationships. This should be a picture in the root of your repository
[ ] Create the Database. I want to see the Create Database script that includes all the tables and relationships
[ ] Create the following queries:
[ ] Find all non Expired Leases
[ ] Select the email of all favored customers
[ ] Show me the make, model, color, availability, and Miles Driven for all Cars
[ ] All the emails of Customers that have expired leases
[ ] The make and Model of the cars that are leased out
Adventure Mode
[ ] Using SQLCommand, Try to query your database from a C# program. Try to use this database from a console app. This a preview for Thursday topic.
Turning In
Your homework will be assigned to you via issues on your assignments repository. Once you are
These steps will be followed for almost every assignment going forward. Once you've completed at least explorer mode and you're satisfied with your work, let's get it published. First let's get it up on GitHub.
First, let's add all our work to git, and ask it to commit it:
git add .
git commit -m "My first webpage"
Feel free to replace "My first webpage" with a more meaningful message.
Push our local commits to GitHub:
git push -u origin master
The files I am looking for are:
A Script to recreate your database and tables
A Script for each of the queries.
For SQL only Assignments, Add .sql containing your queries to your repo.
Car Dealership
You are tasked with making a database diagram, database, and a few queries for a local car dealership
The database will have at least the following entities, and the following columns:
The following relationships are true:
NOTE: You need to add Primary Keys and Foreign Keys to the tables, as well as add any joining needed.
Explorer Mode
Adventure Mode
Turning In
Your homework will be assigned to you via
on yourassignments
repository. Once you areThese steps will be followed for almost every assignment going forward. Once you've completed at least explorer mode and you're satisfied with your work, let's get it published. First let's get it up on GitHub.
First, let's add all our work to git, and ask it to commit it:
Feel free to replace "My first webpage" with a more meaningful message.
Push our local commits to GitHub:
The files I am looking for are:
For SQL only Assignments, Add
containing your queries to your repo.SQL JOIN Diagrams