ahaggard2013 / Reddit-Account-Generator-and-Mass-Upvoter

Automatically generate reddit accounts and use them for vote manipulation
65 stars 18 forks source link

Upvoter + tor #6

Open Googlepr0 opened 6 years ago

Googlepr0 commented 6 years ago


Your system is very good and I try to add tor to upvoter.py, but not successfull.

Can you help me add tor for every comment and post upvote and restart tor for new IP.

If I upvote with only 1 IP reddit can ban my account.

ahaggard2013 commented 6 years ago

Hey, if you create a fork of this I can submit a pull request into yours adding the change, I would like to leave that out of my version here as it would make it slower and I'm not worried about an IP ban.

Googlepr0 commented 6 years ago

Hi How do you mean if I create a fork of this?

Edit: done I create a fork

ahaggard2013 commented 6 years ago

I'll submit a pull request in the next few days when I get a chance.

Googlepr0 commented 6 years ago


When you submit a pull request?

ahaggard2013 commented 6 years ago

I submitted a pull request into your projects branch with the changes. You have to accept it and merge my branch into yours.

ahaggard2013 commented 6 years ago

If you just want the file without working through git it is here: https://github.com/Googlepr0/Reddit-Account-Generator-and-Mass-Upvoter/commit/a626b7970782dacc377d063899027a9c19afbdb1