aharmat / mcptam

MCPTAM is a set of ROS nodes for running Real-time 3D Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using Multi-Camera Clusters. It includes tools for calibrating both the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the individual cameras within the rigid camera rig.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Abort when runing pose calibrator #19

Open ns15417 opened 5 years ago

ns15417 commented 5 years ago

I got an error when running pose calibrator, which abort at the file ChainBundle.cc line 1011. I dont know what happed cuz i just followed the instruction on the file "Getting-Started.pdf" . In the section of pose calibrator, it says "Once running, point the first camera (image outlined in bright blue) at the checkerboard until it is found, then press [Spacebar]", i got the image and my first camera recognized the chessboard and then i hit [Spacebar], but it aborted. `[ INFO] [1559113809.600338404]: TrackerCalib: camera1 just initialized with checkerboard! [FATAL] [1559113809.817671649]: ASSERTION FAILED file = /home/shinan/catkin_ws/src/mcptam/src/ChainBundle.cc line = 1011 cond = _pAbortFlag

[pose_calibrator-4] process has died [pid 4477, exit code -5, cmd /home/shinan/catkin_ws/devel/lib/mcptam/pose_calibrator reset:=pose_calibrator/reset __name:=pose_calibrator __log:=/home/shinan/.ros/log/b6e1498a-81e0-11e9-aaf3-c46516908391/pose_calibrator-4.log]. log file: /home/shinan/.ros/log/b6e1498a-81e0-11e9-aaf3-c46516908391/pose_calibrator-4*.log`

KhazixW2 commented 1 year ago

i got same fatal error. you have sovle the issue??