aharmer / pathtrackr

An R package for video tracking and analysing animal movement
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Having a lot of non detected frames #24

Open SL-972 opened 4 years ago

SL-972 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I hope you'll be able to help me.

I am having trouble tracking my animal with trackPath. AT the end of the tracking I ge a lot of non trackable frames. I tried both in termina with ffmpeg and splitVideo to compare and I have the same results.

I also get the ellipsoidhull(mat) error for other videos--> ellipsoidhull(mat):no points without missing value. Any clue of how I can correct that ?

Here's the link for one of my video if you can help : https://we.tl/t-KAWG7GMBgO xarena : 13.6 yarena : 8

Thanks in advance !

aharmer commented 4 years ago

Hi, there are two problems with your video. Within the first few seconds of your video there is movement of your arena, so the boundaries you define will not be accurate. Second, your animal basically doesn't move after the first few seconds and so becomes part of the background and gets subtracted. Animals that do not move do not make good subjects for tracking.

SL-972 commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for answering. The video I sent is not a good example. If I understand well, when the animal stay still it becomes part of the background ? Even if there’s movements after that time it’s not moving ?

I also wanted to ask you how I can read/interpret the plotSummary results.

Thanks in advance ! You’ll be a great help for my project

dbthomas commented 4 years ago

Tracking data are plotted and described in the paper that accompanies this package:

Harmer AMT, Thomas DB. 2019 pathtrackr: An r package for video tracking and analysing animal movement. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13200 https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/2041-210X.13200

If you still have specific questions about the tracking data after reading the paper then I recommend you contact the corresponding author of the paper.

FemkeBles commented 3 years ago


I'm getting the same error: Tracking animal...

| | 0%Error in ellipsoidhull(mat) : no points without missing values

after running the trackpath code; <path.list = trackPath("C:/Users/Femke/Documents/Femke/Master_Animal_Sciences/Minor_Thesis/Bat_thesis/Raw_data/18082019/Sorted/Data_obs_56_to_81/cropped_25fps_obs(60)", xarena="400", yarena= "400", fps = "25", box = "1", jitter.damp = "0.9")>

The things i tried so far is increasing the fps, I increased xpix to 640 and I slightly enlarged the box which fits the animal, but nothing works so far..

If it would help to send one of the videos to someone, i'll be glad to do so.

Thanks a lot in advance!