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Linked List #9

Open ahasusie opened 5 years ago

ahasusie commented 5 years ago

practice: 21, 206, 19, 141, 142, LinkedList.py

common mistakes:

  1. don't forget to cur = cur.next
  2. is Head a node or just a pointer?
    • can just be a pointer. next = prev = None
  3. don't forget to deal with cur.next = None
  4. be aware of index, the Nth node should be for i in range(1, N)
  5. visit the tail
  6. while cur: vs while cur.next:
    • if there will be operations about cur.next then must judge if cur is none.
    • if there will be operations about cur.next.next then must judge if cur.next is none
  7. how to reserve "prev" node in single linked list?
  8. pay attention to edge cases:
    • before head
    • after tail
    • empty linked list
    • value/node not found

dummy node:

  1. when need to modify the head
  2. when building a new linked list without knowing the head
ahasusie commented 5 years ago

two pointers

template: image

  1. Always examine if the node is null before you call the next field. Getting the next node of a null node will cause the null-pointer error. For example, before we run fast = fast.next.next, we need to examine both fast and fast.next is not null.

  2. Carefully define the end conditions of your loop.

ahasusie commented 5 years ago

traversal insert/delete search detect loop sort reverse double linked list