ahausladen / JsonDataObjects

JSON parser for Delphi 2009 and newer
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Bug in TStringIntern.Init #5

Closed davidmunn closed 9 years ago

davidmunn commented 9 years ago

TStringIntern.Init contains the following code:

FCount := 0; FCapacity := 16; GetMem(FStrings, FCapacity * SizeOf(FStrings[0])); FCapacity := 17; GetMem(FBuckets, FCapacity * SizeOf(FBuckets[0])); FillChar(FBuckets[0], FCapacity * SizeOf(FBuckets[0]), $FF);

This sets the length of FStrings to 1 less than FBuckets. In TStringIntern.InternAdd, TStringInterm.Grow is only triggered when the size reaches FCapacity (now 17):

if FCount = FCapacity then Grow; Index := FCount; Inc(FCount);

Bucket := @FBuckets[(AHash and $7FFFFFFF) mod FCapacity]; with FStrings[Index] do begin Next := Bucket^; Hash := AHash; Pointer(Name) := Pointer(S); Inc(PLongint(@PByte(Name)[-8])^); end;

This means that when FCount reaches 16, writes are performed to FStrings[16], which is beyond the memory allocated during Init.