ahcis-rds / study_finder

StudyFinder is a flexible and configurable application to pull studies from clinicaltrials.gov and augment the data from alternate datasources such as a clinical trials management system.
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Conditionally render clinicaltrials.gov button #125

Closed cdinger closed 3 years ago

cdinger commented 3 years ago

Not all studies will have an NCT number in the system_id field. While eventually we'll want to build some new data structures to more gracefully handle data imports from multiple systems, this change will let us immediately accommodate Mayo studies on healthstudiesmn.org.

This seemingly simple change sprawled a bit from the buttons. Because the "share via email" mailer included a clinicaltrials.gov link, we've just replaced it with a link to StudyFinder itself (either the show page if enabled, or a single-item search). Rendering this link URL in the mailer requires us to introduce a new environment variable to set the host (and optionally the protocol): DEFAULT_URL_HOST.