Closed ziegm closed 1 year ago
the id's of the contained resources within the same container resource have to be different (even if the resource type is already different).
example snippet from a pmp list document, where it have a duplicated id (practitioner "1", practitionerrole "1"):
{ "resourceType": "MedicationRequest", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "contained": [{ "resourceType": "Medication", "id": "medication-2", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "code": { "coding": [{ "system": "urn:oid:", "code": "7680500440334", "display": "NORVASC Tabl 10 mg" } ], "text": "NORVASC Tabl 10 mg" }, "form": { "coding": [{ "system": "urn:oid:", "code": "10219000", "display": "Tablet" } ] }, "amount": { "numerator": { "value": 30, "unit": "Tablet (unit of presentation)", "system": "", "code": "732936001" }, "denominator": { "value": 1, "unit": "Package", "system": "", "code": "{Package}" } }, "ingredient": [{ "itemCodeableConcept": { "coding": [{ "system": "", "code": "386864001", "display": "Amlodipine (substance)" } ], "text": "Amlodipine" }, "strength": { "numerator": { "value": 10, "unit": "milligram", "system": "", "code": "mg" }, "denominator": { "value": 1, "unit": "Tablet (unit of presentation)", "system": "", "code": "732936001" } } } ] }, { "resourceType": "PractitionerRole", "id": "1", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "practitioner": { "reference": "#1" }, "organization": { "reference": "#2" } }, { "resourceType": "Practitioner", "id": "1", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "identifier": [{ "system": "urn:oid:", "value": "7601000234438" } ], "name": [{ "family": "Hausarzt", "given": [ "Familien" ] } ] }, { "resourceType": "Organization", "id": "2", "meta": { "profile": [ "" ] }, "identifier": [{ "system": "urn:oid:", "value": "7601000234438" } ], "name": "Hausarzt", "address": [{ "line": [ "Krankenstrasse 2" ], "city": "Zürich", "postalCode": "8005", "country": "CH" } ] } ], "extension": [{ "extension": [{ "url": "id", "valueIdentifier": { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:uuid:c39fa7f0-d1ff-4245-b038-a9dbaf05dac4" } }, { "url": "externalDocumentId", "valueIdentifier": { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:uuid:c39fa7f0-d1ff-4245-b038-a9dbaf05dac4" } } ], "url": "" }, { "extension": [{ "url": "id", "valueIdentifier": { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:uuid:1a82f387-a153-4138-b783-a63354ef37fa" } }, { "url": "externalDocumentId", "valueIdentifier": { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:uuid:1a82f387-a153-4138-b783-a63354ef37fa" } } ], "url": "" } ], "identifier": [{ "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:uuid:1a82f387-a153-4138-b783-a63354ef37fa" } ], "status": "active", "intent": "order", "medicationReference": { "reference": "#medication-2" }, "subject": { "reference": "urn:uuid:500471bc-1131-4d05-a2fa-219499f8e687" }, "requester": { "reference": "#1" }, "reasonCode": [{ "text": "-" } ], "dosageInstruction": [{ "id": "#dosage-2", "patientInstruction": "-", "timing": { "repeat": { "boundsPeriod": { "start": "2012-02-04" }, "when": [ "MORN", "EVE" ] } }, "route": { "coding": [{ "system": "urn:oid:", "code": "20053000", "display": "Oral use" } ] }, "doseAndRate": [{ "doseQuantity": { "value": 1, "unit": "Tablet (unit of presentation)", "system": "", "code": "732936001" } } ] } ], "dispenseRequest": { "validityPeriod": { "start": "2012-02-04", "end": "2012-05-03" } } } }
causes validator errors, because is not able to find the correct resource.
works, thanks!
the id's of the contained resources within the same container resource have to be different (even if the resource type is already different).
example snippet from a pmp list document, where it have a duplicated id (practitioner "1", practitionerrole "1"):
causes validator errors, because is not able to find the correct resource.