aheckmann / gm

GraphicsMagick for node
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Write results in "Command feild" #388

Open andreasringdal opened 9 years ago

andreasringdal commented 9 years ago

I am attempting to flop an image then writing it to disk but gets an error.

When attempting to use .toBuffer I get error "Stream yields empty buffer)

Environment: AWS lambda

err: [Error: Command failed: ] code: null, signal: 'SIGKILL' command: convert "-" "-auto-orient" "-strip" "-flop" "/tmp/gulasj.jpg" I notice that there is an empty argument within convert

image: http://bilder.tidsmaskinen.no/raw/1_54af251fc4e02.jpg Source: image.flop(); var path = "/tmp/gulasj.jpg"; image.write(path, function(err, stdout, stderr, command){ console.log("written?"); console.log(err); console.log(stdout); console.log(stderr); console.log(command); });

nlindley commented 9 years ago

@andreasringdal You could be hitting memory limits.