I'm having an issue where I crop the image but all it does is remove the cropped pixel data and leaves a bunch of padding in the image. Here's the result:
Code is below. Is this my own failure or a bug in gm or ImageMagick?
Here's the code I'm using, it's part of a face detection loop:
var faceDetect = require('face-detect');
var fs = require('fs');
var Canvas = require('canvas');
var gm = require('gm').subClass({imageMagick: true});;
// initialize the line reader from a file name
var outputPath = 'faces/';
var fileList = 'imagelist.txt';
var lineReader = require('readline').createInterface({
input: require('fs').createReadStream(fileList)
lineReader.on('line', function (fileName) {
console.log('Reading file '+fileName);
fs.readFile(fileName, function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
var img = new Canvas.Image; // Create a new Image
img.dataMode = Canvas.Image.MODE_MIME | Canvas.Image.MODE_IMAGE;
img.onerror = function(error) {
img.onload = function() {
console.log('Processing image...', img.width, img.height)
// Initialiaze a new Canvas with the same dimensions
// as the image, and get a 2D drawing context for it.
var canvas = new Canvas(img.width, img.height);
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
// now that the image is loaded, we extract faces
var result = faceDetect.detect_objects({
canvas : canvas,
interval : 5,
min_neighbors : 1
console.log('Found ' + result.length + ' faces.');
// for each face, crop and output
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++){
var face = result[i];
var els = fileName.split('/');
var dest = outputPath+els[els.length-1].replace('.gif','_'+i.toString()+'.gif');
console.log('Attempting to resize image to '+dest);
.crop(face.width, face.height, face.x, face.y)
.write(dest, function (err) {
if (!err) console.log('Wrote image to '+dest);
// load the image (will trigger onload)
img.src = data;
Mirror for a StackOverflow question I opened: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35471083/node-js-gm-package-crops-but-does-not-fit-to-pixels
I'm having an issue where I crop the image but all it does is remove the cropped pixel data and leaves a bunch of padding in the image. Here's the result:
Code is below. Is this my own failure or a bug in
or ImageMagick?Here's the code I'm using, it's part of a face detection loop: