ahembree / ansible-hms-docker

Ansible playbook for automated home media server setup
GNU General Public License v3.0
391 stars 47 forks source link

Unexpected keyword argument - ssl_version. #48

Closed fobiat closed 6 months ago

fobiat commented 6 months ago

I've tried to run the playbook with both ssl enabled and disabled. It hangs on the following error, I've trawled through the config files and cannot find a reference to ssl_version, unless I missed it. Ubuntu server LTS, fresh install but fully up-to-date.

TASK [hmsdocker : Ensure env] ***************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [hmsdocker : Ensure docker-compose.yml file.] ******************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [hmsdocker : Ensure containers defined in compose file.] *******************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Configuration error - kwargs_from_env() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ssl_version'"}

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=24   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=44   rescued=0    ignored=0   
ahembree commented 6 months ago

Are you running Ubuntu 20.04 by chance? I recently started using GitHub Actions and have found an SSL issue with Compose on Ubuntu 20.04. It's not an issue with SSL for the proxy, but rather an SSL issue with Docker and Ansible itself

Edit: never mind it's not specific to Ubuntu 20.04, there's similar output in this Action run for Ubuntu 22.04: https://github.com/ahembree/ansible-hms-docker/actions/runs/7149198838/job/19471134635#step:4:1

fobiat commented 6 months ago

I am using 22.04 yes

Edit: I'm going to try on CentOS Stream

ahembree commented 6 months ago

This appears to be an issue with the docker python module, which unfortunately is out of my control so we can only wait for a patch: https://github.com/docker/docker-py/issues/3194#issuecomment-1848950456

If you run sudo pip3 freeze | grep docker, you should see that the docker version is 7.0.0, which is the one that is broken. You can downgrade to the version that works by running sudo pip3 uninstall docker and then sudo pip3 install docker==6.1.3. I'll be updating the code to install this specific version shortly.

ahembree commented 6 months ago

This should now be resolved in https://github.com/ahembree/ansible-hms-docker/commit/d6a55b2638bf1e30ef244ae1a9c786b5dc16418e. Run git pull while in the ansible-hms-docker folder to get the update