ahemedbullo / site-unit2-project1-music-playlist-explorer-starter

Starter code for the Music Playlist Explorer project
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Feedback from Hao #2

Open hl219 opened 1 week ago

hl219 commented 1 week ago

🎉Congratulations on completing your first project!

There are some feedback points that could enhance the code style. On the positive side, your project demonstrates a clear understanding of the codepath curriculum. Good job using descriptive and meaningful names for variables, functions, and classes, which contribute to readability. Additionally, your efforts in documenting the project through the README are commendable, providing a good overview of its purpose and setup instructions.

Moving forward, you can further improve the code style by ensuring consistency in formatting, indentation, and deleting unnecessary console.log() statements (Fun fact: I need to delete console.log() before pushing my code to the Meta codebase). Overall, you did well in the first project, and with these improvements, your project will continue to grow and evolve positively.

As an encouragement, consider setting more stretch goals (features) to further develop your skills and explore additional functionalities. Keep up the great work!