CLIMDEX NetCDF Writing: In the function 'postpro_lib.calculate_allclimdex()', the third argument passed is now 'targetVar+''+climdex_name' instead of 'climdex_name'. It allows us to identify the 'targetVar' associated with the 'climdex_name'. In the 'write.netCDF()' function, the concatenated strings can be split into two parts separated by the first hyphen, enabling their use in the code."
CLIMDEX NetCDF Writing: In the function 'postpro_lib.calculate_allclimdex()', the third argument passed is now 'targetVar+''+climdex_name' instead of 'climdex_name'. It allows us to identify the 'targetVar' associated with the 'climdex_name'. In the 'write.netCDF()' function, the concatenated strings can be split into two parts separated by the first hyphen, enabling their use in the code."