ahertel / Amazon-Fresh-Whole-Foods-delivery-slot-finder

A Mac tool that finds available delivery slots for Amazon's Whole Foods delivery and Amazon Fresh services
MIT License
1.03k stars 172 forks source link

Allow Apple Events from Javascript won't enable #29

Open rworne opened 4 years ago

rworne commented 4 years ago

Found one possible reason for it:

Do not use your Apple watch to confirm the password dialog. Click "use password" instead and type it in. Now it will remain checked.

ahertel commented 4 years ago

Haha yes I encountered this exact issue too. How do we @ apple to get this fixed. haha. I didn't know if others would have this issue so I didn't think twice about it, but will update the GitHub instructions since we're not alone. Thank you @rworne !!

briandoconnor commented 4 years ago

This fix worked for me