ahertel / Amazon-Fresh-Whole-Foods-delivery-slot-finder

A Mac tool that finds available delivery slots for Amazon's Whole Foods delivery and Amazon Fresh services
MIT License
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Small Tweaks to Assure iMessage Functionality #64

Open wilcoxsonm21 opened 4 years ago

wilcoxsonm21 commented 4 years ago

First of all, thanks so much for creating this tool and distributing it to the community.

It is extremely kind to spend so much effort to create something so useful and share it with others. I really appreciate it.

I found a few potential small errors/tweaks that were necessary for me to get it to work with iMessage. These may be particular to my machine, or true broadly. Without testing on multiple machines/different operating systems I cannot verify that. However, in the text messaging variables, a few tweaks were necessary for me, both to get the icon to show up properly and (I believe) to trigger the message process to start. I changed the following lines of code from: set messageAppIconFilepath to "/System/Applications/Messages.app/Contents/Resources/MessagesAppIcon.icns" set messageIconDialogPath to "System:Applications:Messages.app:Contents:Resources:MessagesAppIcon.icns" to set messageAppIconFilepath to "/Applications/Messages.app/Contents/Resources/MessagesAppIcon.icns" set messageIconDialogPath to "Applications:Messages.app:Contents:Resources:MessagesAppIcon.icns" This revised code correctly matches the native file structure of macOS, while the other does not. The application folder is not in a system folder. Thus, this was able to correctly retrieve the icon and I believe start the process.

Without further edits, I still got errors in getting a message service. After some Googling, I changed these lines: set targetService to 1st service whose service type = iMessage set targetBuddy to buddy phoneNumber of targetService to set targetService to id of 1st service whose service type = iMessage set targetBuddy to buddy phoneNumber of service id targetService

Hope this helps someone.

Sorry if my post is incorrect/doesn't follow GitHub etiquette. This is my first post so I would appreciate any feedback!