ahertel / Amazon-Fresh-Whole-Foods-delivery-slot-finder

A Mac tool that finds available delivery slots for Amazon's Whole Foods delivery and Amazon Fresh services
MIT License
1.03k stars 172 forks source link

Can it run on Windows Chrome? Met the same problem like #66 #67

Open carolloh opened 4 years ago

carolloh commented 4 years ago

Hi, I would like to add this for my mom but her computer is windows. Is it possible to run on Chrome like extension? And also met the problem like #66 . GIF Attached. RefreshBackToCar2

QueloQue commented 4 years ago

Hi, Like many other I also have windows, and that is the reason why after I found this project I decided to make a version that is compatible with Windows users. The link to my project Here Please share it with anyone that may be in need and does not have an apple computer. And Thank you ahertel for starting this initiative.

Windows compatible version Here