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New Item: ThrowWindow #128

Open hoppfrosch opened 7 years ago

hoppfrosch commented 7 years ago

Item to be added:


Author of the new item

foom, ManaUser, Laszlo, infogulch et.al.

Awesome-AHK chapter the item should be added to

Scripts - Window Management

Description of the new Item

Throw any window by dragging it with the mousebutton and releasing it. The window will float around the monitor bouncing of the screen edges.

Discussion Links:


Source Links:


sjain882 commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately, this seems to break WIN+V Clipboard History on Windows 10... clicking on an entry from your clipboard history just pastes v, rather than the actual content...

Otherwise, works pretty well, even on multiple monitors.

Fixed link: https://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/18184-gui-float-question-expertwise-person-help-needed/?p=270491

Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/3d0am

Paste of code:

; changes by infogulch:
;    supports multiple monitors
;    window sticks to same spot on mouse that it started dragging from
;    activates the window once gravity starts
;    speed determined by winow movement instead of mouse movement
;    in gravity modes that don't have a default gravity if it hasn't touched it slows by INTERIA
;    in all modes if you don't "throw" it, it stops where you release it
;    add gravity mode 6 that sets gravity to the side you throw it towards
;    doesn't start gravity mode unless user really drags by more than 1 pixel
;        (this prevents clicks that are meant to activate a window from starting to throw it)
;    added system for starting dragging with multiple hotkeys from either the titlebar only or the entire window
;    added optional enforce boundaries that allows a window to be dragged past the monitor working area and left there
;    attemped a quick fix at the memory issue by forcing variables out of permanent memory and then zeroing their length

; changes by temp01:
;    only starts gravity if you start dragging on the title bar with left mouse button
;    ignores the tray

; changes by spazpunt:
;    gravity works with the left mouse button instead of middle mouse button

; ThrowWindows by Matthäus Drobiec (foom)
; Based on EasyGlide by Paul Pliska (ManaUser) Enhancements by Laszlo
; Based on Easy Window Dragging by Chris?
;      AutoHotkey Version: 1.0.46+
;                Platform: XP/2k/NT
;                  Author: Matthäus Drobiec (foom)
;                 Version: 0.1
; Script Function:
; Throw any window by dragging it with the middle mousebutton and releaseing it.
; The window will float around the monitor bouncing of the screen edges.
; Gravity can be applied to a window in 5 different modes.
; Note that performance starts to suffer when there are 3 or more windows
; moving at the same time or when windows have large pictures displayed in them.

#SingleInstance Force


    INERTIA = .96 ; 1 means Move forever, 0 means not at all.
 BOUNCYNESS = .5  ; 1 means no speed is lost, 0 means don't bounce.
SENSITIVITY = .33 ; Higher is more responsive, lower smooths out glitchs more.
                  ;    Must be greater than 0 and no higher than 1.

GRAVITY     = 2 ; 0 means turn gravity off. Negative values are possible too. Best results are in range from -2 to 2.
GRAVITYMODE = 6 ; 1 means the bottom edge has gravity only
                ; 2 means the first edge the window hits will be its source of gravity.
                ; 3 means the last edge the window hits will be its source of gravity.
                ; 4 same as 2 but starts of with bottom gravity rather then moving in a straight line.
                ; 5 same as 3 but starts of with bottom gravity rather then moving in a straight line.
                ; 6 means gravity is based on the direction you throw it

EnfBound    = 1 ; 1 to enforce that windows never leave a monitor
                ; 0 to allow a window to be dragged past the monitor and left there
                ;    note that throwing always makes sure the window is inside the monitor area

SCALEWIN    = 0   ; (performance hog) 0=off, 1=on. Scale windows to get the effect of throwing windows to the background.
SCALEFACTOR = .99 ; 0.90 - 0.99 The factor the window should be scaled down by when thrown.
MINWIDTH    = 200 ; Minimum width a window should be scaled too.
MINHEIGHT   = 100 ; Minimum height a window should be scaled too.
                  ; If one of those two minimums is reached scaling stops.

Hotkey, LButton, ThrowTitle
Hotkey, LButton Up, Release

Hotkey, RButton, ThrowAll
Hotkey, RButton Up, Release

;;CONFIG END. DON'T EDIT BELOW.#################################################

    SetBatchLines -1        ; Run faster
    SetWinDelay -1          ; Makes the window moves faster/smoother.
    CoordMode Mouse, Screen ; Switch to screen/absolute coordinates.
    SendMode, Input

    SpeedX := SpeedY := 0 ; init or else it might not work.
    OnMessage(0x1A , "WM_SETTINGCHANGE") ; In case the workarea changes.

    if (Started || WatchButton) ; only start one at a time
    Started := True
    MouseGetPos StartMouseX, StartMouseY, MWin
    if (A_ThisLabel = "ThrowTitle") {
        SendMessage, 0x84,, ( StartMouseY << 16 ) | StartMouseX,, ahk_id %MWin% ;WM_NCHITTEST
        if (ErrorLevel != 2) { ; check if this is the title bar
            Send, {%A_ThisHotkey% Down}
            Started := False
        isTitle := True
        isTitle := False
    WinGet WinState, MinMax, ahk_id %MWin%
    if (WinState != 0) { ; If the window is maximized, pass through.
        Send, {%A_ThisHotkey% Down}
        Started := False
    WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %MWin%
    if (WinClass = "Shell_TrayWnd") { ;ignore the notification area
        Send, {%A_ThisHotkey% Down}
        Started := False
    If !InStr(WindowQueue, MWin) && !isTitle ; it's already being moved by gravity; no need to wait
        Loop { ; don't initiate gravity unless it actually starts being dragged at least 2 pixels
            If !GetKeyState(A_ThisHotkey, "P") {
                Send, {%A_ThisHotkey% Down}
                Started := False
            MouseGetPos, _mx, _my
            If Abs(StartMouseX-_mx) >= 1 || Abs(StartMouseY-_my) >= 1
                Break ; the user has attempted to drag the window more than one pixel
            Sleep 10
    SetTimer, WatchMouse, Off
    WatchButton := A_ThisHotkey
    WinActivate, ahk_id %MWin% ;activate this window
    RemoveWin(MWin) ; Necessary else GRAVITYMODE = 4 will fail sometimes.
    WinGetPos WinX, WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight, ahk_id %MWin%
    LastWinX := WinX, LastWinY := WinY, SpeedX := SpeedY := 0
    StartMouseRelX := StartMouseX - WinX, StartMouseRelY := StartMouseY - WinY
    SetTimer WatchMouse, 10        ; Track the mouse as the user drags it
    Started := False

    If (WatchButton = "")
        Send, {%A_ThisHotkey%}

    If !GetKeyState( WatchButton, "P" ) {
        SetTimer WatchMouse, Off   ; Button has been released, so drag is complete.
        SetTimer Move, 10          ; Start moving
        WatchButton := ""
    ; Drag: Button is still pressed
    MouseGetPos MouseX, MouseY
    WinX := MouseX - StartMouseRelX
    WinY := MouseY - StartMouseRelY

    ;Enforce Boundaries
    If EnfBound
        Mon := MonAtPos(MouseX, MouseY)
        WinX := WinX < WorkArea%Mon%Left ? WorkArea%Mon%Left : WinX+WinWidth > WorkArea%Mon%Right ? WorkArea%Mon%Right-WinWidth : WinX
        WinY := WinY < WorkArea%Mon%Top ? WorkArea%Mon%Top : WinY+WinHeight > WorkArea%Mon%Bottom ? WorkArea%Mon%Bottom-WinHeight : WinY

    SpeedX := SpeedX*SpeedA + (WinX-LastWinX)*SENSITIVITY
    SpeedY := SpeedY*SpeedA + (WinY-LastWinY)*SENSITIVITY
    WinMove ahk_id %MWin%,, WinX, WinY
    LastWinX := WinX, LastWinY := WinY

    If !WindowQueue
        SetTimer Move, Off
    Loop, Parse, WindowQueue , `n
        if A_LoopField

    if w = 47 ;SPI_SETWORKAREA
        SysGet, MonitorCount, MonitorCount
        Loop %MonitorCount%
            SysGet WorkArea%A_Index%, MonitorWorkArea, %A_Index%

MonAtPos( x, y ) {
    loop %MonitorCount%
        If (WorkArea%A_Index%Left <= x && x <= WorkArea%A_Index%Right) && (WorkArea%A_Index%Top <= y && y <= WorkArea%A_Index%Bottom)
            return A_Index

AddWin( MWin ) {


    %MWin%Mon := MonAtPos(MouseX, MouseY)
    %MWin%WinX := WinX, %MWin%WinY := WinY, %MWin%WinWidth := WinWidth, %MWin%WinHeight := WinHeight
    %MWin%SpeedX := SpeedX, %MWin%SpeedY := SpeedY
    If GravityMode in 1,4,5
        %MWin%gravity := "b" 
    Else If GravityMode = 6
        %MWin%gravity := Abs(%MWin%SpeedX) > Abs(%MWin%SpeedY) ? (%MWin%SpeedX > 0 ? "r" : "l") : (%MWin%SpeedY > 0 ? "b" : "t")
RemoveWin( MWin ) {
    local s := "WinX,WinY,WinWidth,WinHeight,SpeedX,SpeedY,mon,gravity,touch,touchedonce"
    loop, parse, s, `,  ; force variables out of persistent memory and deliberately zero their length
        VarSetCapacity(%MWin%%A_LoopField%, 64), VarSetCapacity(%MWin%%A_LoopField%, 0)

Move( MWin ) {
    local T, G, mon

    G := %MWin%gravity  ;dereferencing is slow.
    mon := %MWin%Mon

    If !WinExist("ahk_id" MWin) || Abs(%MWin%SpeedX) < 2 AND Abs(%MWin%SpeedY) < 2 && (GRAVITY ? !%MWin%touchedonce || G = %MWin%Touch : True) {

    if GRAVITY
        %MWin%SpeedX += G = "r" ? GRAVITY : G = "l" ? -GRAVITY : 0
        %MWin%SpeedY += G = "b" ? GRAVITY : G = "t" ? -GRAVITY : 0

        ;update wincoords before touch check. If touch() reports collision bouncyness kicks in.
        %MWin%WinX += %MWin%SpeedX,   %MWin%WinY += %MWin%SpeedY

        if (T:=Touch(MWin))
            if GRAVITYMODE = 2
                %MWin%gravity := G ? G : T
            else if (GRAVITYMODE = 3 OR GRAVITYMODE = 5)
                %MWin%gravity := T
            else if GRAVITYMODE = 4
                %MWin%gravity :=  %MWin%touchedonce ? G : T
            %MWin%touchedonce := 1
            %MWin%touch  := T  ;Used to check if window should stop moving when in gravity mode.
            %MWin%SpeedY := (T = "b" || T = "t") ? %MWin%SpeedY * -BOUNCYNESS : %MWin%SpeedY * BOUNCYNESS
            %MWin%SpeedX := (T = "l" || T = "r") ? %MWin%SpeedX * -BOUNCYNESS : %MWin%SpeedX * BOUNCYNESS
            If (G = "") ; if it hasn't touched yet and it doesn't have gravity, use interia to slow down
                %MWin%SpeedX *= INERTIA,  %MWin%SpeedY *= INERTIA
        %MWin%SpeedX *= INERTIA,  %MWin%SpeedY *= INERTIA
        %MWin%WinX += %MWin%SpeedX,   %MWin%WinY += %MWin%SpeedY
        if (T:=Touch(MWin))
            %MWin%SpeedY *= (T = "b" || T = "t") ? -BOUNCYNESS : 1
            %MWin%SpeedX *= (T = "l" || T = "r") ? -BOUNCYNESS : 1

    ;Out of bounds checks.
    %MWin%WinX := %MWin%WinX < WorkArea%Mon%Left ? WorkArea%Mon%Left: %MWin%WinX + %MWin%WinWidth > WorkArea%Mon%Right ? WorkArea%Mon%Right - %MWin%WinWidth : %MWin%WinX
    %MWin%WinY := %MWin%WinY < WorkArea%Mon%Top ? WorkArea%Mon%Top : %MWin%WinY + %MWin%WinHeight > WorkArea%Mon%Bottom ? WorkArea%Mon%Bottom - %MWin%WinHeight : %MWin%WinY

        WinMove ahk_id %MWin%,, %MWin%WinX, %MWin%WinY , %MWin%WinWidth, %MWin%WinHeight
        WinMove ahk_id %MWin%,, %MWin%WinX, %MWin%WinY
Scale( MWin ) {
    local w, h

    w:=%MWin%WinWidth * SCALEFACTOR,  h:=%MWin%WinHeight * SCALEFACTOR

         %MWin%WinX+=(%MWin%WinWidth-w)/2, %MWin%WinWidth := w,%MWin%WinY+=(%MWin%WinHeight-h)/2 , %MWin%WinHeight := h

Touch( MWin ) {
    local mon
    mon := %MWin%Mon
    if (%MWin%WinY + %MWin%WinHeight >= WorkArea%Mon%Bottom)
        return "b"
    else if (%MWin%WinY <= WorkArea%Mon%Top)
        return "t"
    else if (%MWin%WinX <= WorkArea%Mon%Left)
        return "l"
    else if (%MWin%WinX + %MWin%WinWidth >= WorkArea%Mon%Right)
        return "r"


List( list, Item, Action="", Delim="`n" ) {
;Adds Item to a %Delim% Delimited list, removes it, or selects it by putting 2 Delims behind it.
;Action can be s for select, d for delete, a for add. If ommited it defaults to add.
    if !Item
        return list
    if !list
        if Action = d
        else if Action = s
            return Item . Delim . Delim
            return Item

    if Action = d
        list:=RegExReplace(list,"i)\Q" . Item . "\E(\Q" . Delim . "\E)*","")    ;delete Item if allready in list
    list:=RegExReplace(list,"i)(\Q" . Delim . "\E) {2,}",Delim)                  ;replace succesive Delims
    list:=RegExReplace(list,"i)^(\Q" . Delim . "\E)|(\Q" . Delim . "\E)$","")   ;delete Delims from start and end of list

    if Action = s
        list:=RegExReplace(list,"i)(\Q" . Item . "\E)(?:\Q" . Delim . "\E)*","$1" . Delim . Delim)

    if (Action = "s" || Action = "d" || RegExMatch(list, "i)(?:\Q" . Item . "\E)(?:\Q" . Delim . "\E)*"))  ;the rexexmatch assures we dont add an item twice
        return list
    return Item . Delim . list    ;prepend new items rather then apped makes it easier to debug lists