ahkscript / awesome-AutoHotkey

A curated list of awesome AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources.
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add "AutoHotkey Library Distribution" #2

Closed joedf closed 9 years ago

joedf commented 10 years ago

I suggest adding "AutoHotkey Library Distribution" under scripts. Markdown:

## AutoHotkey Library Distribution

* [pAHKlight](https://github.com/hi5/pAHKlight)
* Ryan Shipp's [ahk-libs](https://github.com/rshipp/ahk-libs)
* [ASPDM](https://github.com/ahkscript/ASPDM), for
  [package/stdlib distribution and management](https://trello.com/b/XVP4M76d/package-stdlib-distribution-and-management)
  from the [ahkscript](https://github.com/ahkscript) folks
* [ALD](http://libba.net/) (discontinued)
* tuncay's original [ahkstdlib](http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=54996) (discontinued)
* [Salt](https://code.google.com/p/salt/) (discontinued)
* Uberi and infogulch's [ahklib](https://github.com/ahklib)
vasili111 commented 10 years ago

@aviaryan @joedf @rshipp @mmikeww I edited CONTRIBUTING.md according to the discussion in this issue. Please make comments if you think something should be changed.

vasili111 commented 10 years ago

@aviaryan @joedf @rshipp @mmikeww If we keep name "Library Distributions", then we have no demand in "UnCategorized" subgroup in "Libraries" group. All package systems, library collections (same as multicategorical libraries) should go to "Library Distributions". Lets try without UnCategorized subgroup in "Libraries" group. If there will be demand in "UnCategorized" subgroup in "Libraries" group we can recreate it later. Any suggestions, ideas, opinions?

hi5 commented 10 years ago

If the table of contents expands, changes etc this might but a useful script to keep at hand https://github.com/hi5/InsertTOCintoMD (AutoHotkey script to add a Table of Contents to a Markdown document) - btw I don't suggest it to be added to the list as it has fairly limited use but I find it useful for larger documents.

vasili111 commented 10 years ago

@hi5 Interesting. I will look at https://github.com/hi5/InsertTOCintoMD . If it is useful for for larger documents I think it is good candidate for our list.

hi5 commented 10 years ago

@vasili111 this branch can take the alternative anchors into account https://github.com/hi5/InsertTOCintoMD/blob/dev/InsertTOCintoMD.ahk but the headings would have to be changed slightly like so https://gist.github.com/hi5/d3c4483b229de70760d5 (don't copy this as I've used some weird test examples like qwerty :a: and hellokitty :cat: - but I wouldn't include the script itself in the list

rshipp commented 9 years ago

Looks like this was added to contributing.md, can the issue be closed now?

vasili111 commented 9 years ago

I think yes. If someone will need we can reopen it.