ahkscript / awesome-AutoHotkey

A curated list of awesome AutoHotkey libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources.
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New library: SerDes #52

Closed hoppfrosch closed 8 years ago

hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

Add new entry to libraries-Data format: SerDes by cocobelgica

Serialize / de-serialize an AutoHotkey object structure.

Forum: http://ahkscript.org/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4212&hilit=SerDes Source: https://github.com/cocobelgica/AutoHotkey-SerDes

hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

As there are either more approvals nor any objections, this entry should be added

joedf commented 8 years ago

Done. :+1:

hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

Thanks - I would have done it as soon as I've got enough time and motivation ... :-)

joedf commented 8 years ago

That's fine hahah Same here :wink: