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Validate pull requests with Travis #66

Closed awesome-bot closed 8 years ago

awesome-bot commented 8 years ago

Hello, I wrote a tool that can validate README links (valid URLs, not duplicate). It can be run when someone submits a pull request.

It is currently being used by


If you are interested, connect this repo to https://travis-ci.org/ and add a .travis.yml file to the project.

See https://github.com/dkhamsing/awesome_bot for options, more information Feel free to leave a comment :smile:

hi5 commented 8 years ago

Interesting idea.

Does it check if links with Anchors also work properly? For example the link https://github.com/dkhamsing/awesome_bot#installation will continue to work if you change "installation" to "setup" in your readme.md but a browser will no longer jump to the correct section of the page, so there is no 404 but it is a "faulty" link.

Sometimes when forums change the anchors change and linking to a specific post can be useful if there are multiple versions posted in a thread.

edit: the same applies for this readme.md - we need to insert manual Anchor html tags to keep the table of contents at the top working correctly, a mistake is easily made.

awesome-bot commented 8 years ago

Hi unfortunately it does not support anchor detection

joedf commented 8 years ago

I currently just manually double check the markdown before approving pull requests. I do some fixing if it is needed.

awesome-bot commented 8 years ago


awesome-bot commented 8 years ago

This tool is great to check if all the links are still valid, in case a project is renamed (redirected) or deleted :smiley:

awesome-bot commented 8 years ago

For example, this link no longer works http://www.autohotkey.net/~Micha/AutohotkeyCE/html/

joedf commented 8 years ago

Ahhh ok, just thinking there might be possible conflicts with historical.md Anyhow, seems cool :)

awesome-bot commented 8 years ago

also no longer working

awesome-bot commented 8 years ago

ah cool that you keep old stuff in historical.md

awesome-bot commented 8 years ago

anyway, let me know if you're interested or feel free to close this issue if not it's all good

hi5 commented 8 years ago

I say we add it, perhaps @hoppfrosch and @vasili111 can chime in as well.

joedf commented 8 years ago

I am neutral. I'll go with whichever.

hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

I also think it makes sense, adding it ...:thumbsup:

hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

Since there are no objections within reasonable time, we should add it

hoppfrosch commented 8 years ago

Did as awesome-bot described: "If you are interested, connect this repo to https://travis-ci.org/ and add a .travis.yml file to the project."

I created a test branch - and created a pull request: awesome_bot works like a charme (see: https://github.com/ahkscript/awesome-AutoHotkey/pull/72)

Now all issues, reposted by awesome_bot should be removed ... ;-)

Closes #66

vasili111 commented 8 years ago

I think it is good idea to add it :)