CICFlowmeter-V4.0 (formerly known as ISCXFlowMeter) is an Ethernet traffic Bi-flow generator and analyzer for anomaly detection that has been used in many Cybersecurity datsets such as Android Adware-General Malware dataset (CICAAGM2017), IPS/IDS dataset (CICIDS2017), Android Malware dataset (CICAndMal2017) and Distributed Denial of Service (CICDDoS2019).
The resulting set was divided into training and test datasets that included 7 and 16 types of botnets, respectively. Tables 1 and 2 detail distribution and type of botnets in each dataset. Our training dataset is 5.3 GB in size of which 43.92% is malicious and the reminder contains normal flows. Test dataset is 8.5 GB of which 44.97% is malicious flows. We added more diversity of botnet traces in the test dataset than the training dataset in order to evaluate the novelty detection a feature subset can provide.
Distribution of botnet types in the test dataset
However, after labeling the flows using the code given below that I had written in python, I assume that either my code is not labeling correctly or the information as mentioned in their website is erroneous.
I will be very grateful if someone can help me in this regard.
Below is the code for labeling in python:
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats
# importing pandas module
import pandas as pd
# importing regex module
import re
# from tensorflow.keras import backend
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline'ggplot')
import xgboost as xgb
import pickle
import gc
# Load custom functions
import gan
# For reloading after making changes
import importlib
from gan import *
import pandas as pd
import timeit
# code you want to evaluate
begin_from_start = 0
take_chunk = 0
if begin_from_start:
data = pd.read_csv (r'ISCX_Botnet-Training.pcap_Flow.csv', low_memory=False)
# data = data[0:50000]
if begin_from_start:
testing_data = pd.read_csv (r'ISCX_Botnet-Testing.pcap_Flow.csv', low_memory=False)
# data = data[0:50000]
if begin_from_start:
botnet = True
z_score = False
if begin_from_start:
#replace inf with nan and then drop the rows with nans
print("Null Values in data set: " + str(data.isnull().sum().sum()) )
data = data.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).dropna(how="any").reset_index(drop=True)
print("Null Values in data set: " + str(data.isnull().sum().sum()) )
if begin_from_start:
#replace inf with nan and then drop the rows with nans
print("Null Values in data set: " + str(testing_data.isnull().sum().sum()) )
testing_data = testing_data.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).dropna(how="any").reset_index(drop=True)
print("Null Values in data set: " + str(testing_data.isnull().sum().sum()) )
if begin_from_start:
# data columns will be all the columns except Src IP, Src Port, Dsp IP, Dst Port
# and Timestamp as we are not considering categorical and time stamp features.
# data= data.drop(['Src IP', 'Src Port', 'Dst IP', 'Dst Port', 'Timestamp', 'Protocol', \
# 'FIN Flag Cnt', 'SYN Flag Cnt', 'RST Flag Cnt', 'PSH Flag Cnt', 'ACK Flag Cnt', \
# 'CWE Flag Count', 'ECE Flag Cnt'], axis=1)
if botnet == True:
# data= data.drop(['Src IP', 'Src Port', 'Dst IP', 'Dst Port', 'Timestamp', 'Protocol', 'Init Fwd Win Byts'], axis=1)
data= data.drop(['Src IP', 'Src Port', 'Dst IP', 'Dst Port', 'Timestamp', 'Protocol'], axis=1)
#In this cell we will find the indices in flows that will show the flows for the particular botnet
df = data[['Flow ID', 'Label']]
IRC_1 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_2 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_3 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_4 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_5 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_6 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_7 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_8 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_9 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_10 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_11 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_12 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_13 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_14 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRC_15 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Neris = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
RBot = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Menti = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Sogou = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Murlo = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Virut = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
IRCbot_and_black_hole_1 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Black_hole_2 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Black_hole_3 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
TBot_1 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
TBot_2 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
TBot_3 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
TBot_4 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Weasel_master = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Weasel_bot = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Zeus_1 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Zeus_2 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Zeus_3 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
bin_Zeus = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Osx_trojan = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
zero_access_1 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
zero_access_2 = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
Smoke_bot = df['Flow ID'].str.contains('')
indx_IRC_1 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_1) if x]
indx_IRC_2 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_2) if x]
indx_IRC_3 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_3) if x]
indx_IRC_4 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_4) if x]
indx_IRC_5 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_5) if x]
indx_IRC_6 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_6) if x]
indx_IRC_7 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_7) if x]
indx_IRC_8 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_8) if x]
indx_IRC_9 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_9) if x]
indx_IRC_10 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_10) if x]
indx_IRC_11 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_11) if x]
indx_IRC_12 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_12) if x]
indx_IRC_13 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_13) if x]
indx_IRC_14 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_14) if x]
indx_IRC_15 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRC_15) if x]
indx_Neris = [i for i, x in enumerate(Neris) if x]
indx_RBot = [i for i, x in enumerate(RBot) if x]
indx_Menti = [i for i, x in enumerate(Menti) if x]
indx_Sogou = [i for i, x in enumerate(Sogou) if x]
indx_Murlo = [i for i, x in enumerate(Murlo) if x]
indx_Virut = [i for i, x in enumerate(Virut) if x]
indx_IRCbot_and_black_hole_1 = [i for i, x in enumerate(IRCbot_and_black_hole_1) if x]
indx_Black_hole_2 = [i for i, x in enumerate(Black_hole_2) if x]
indx_Black_hole_3 = [i for i, x in enumerate(Black_hole_3) if x]
indx_TBot_1 = [i for i, x in enumerate(TBot_1) if x]
indx_TBot_2 = [i for i, x in enumerate(TBot_2) if x]
indx_TBot_3 = [i for i, x in enumerate(TBot_3) if x]
indx_TBot_4 = [i for i, x in enumerate(TBot_4) if x]
indx_Weasel_master = [i for i, x in enumerate(Weasel_master) if x]
indx_Weasel_bot = [i for i, x in enumerate(Weasel_bot) if x]
indx_Zeus_1 = [i for i, x in enumerate(Zeus_1) if x]
indx_Zeus_2 = [i for i, x in enumerate(Zeus_2) if x]
indx_Zeus_3 = [i for i, x in enumerate(Zeus_3) if x]
indx_bin_Zeus = [i for i, x in enumerate(bin_Zeus) if x]
indx_Osx_trojan = [i for i, x in enumerate(Osx_trojan) if x]
indx_zero_access_1 = [i for i, x in enumerate(zero_access_1) if x]
indx_zero_access_2 = [i for i, x in enumerate(zero_access_2) if x]
indx_Smoke_bot = [i for i, x in enumerate(Smoke_bot) if x]
indx_zero_access_1 = [i for i, x in enumerate(zero_access_1) if x]
indx_zero_access_2 = [i for i, x in enumerate(zero_access_2) if x]
indx_Smoke_bot = [i for i, x in enumerate(Smoke_bot) if x]
total_instances = df.shape[0]
print("Total Instances:" + str(total_instances))
print("bin_IRC_1_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_1))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_1)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_2_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_2))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_2)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_3_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_3))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_3)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_4_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_4))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_4)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_5_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_5))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_5)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_6_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_6))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_6)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_7_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_7))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_7)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_8_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_8))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_8)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_9_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_9))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_9)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_10_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_10))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_10)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_11_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_11))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_11)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_12_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_12))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_12)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_13_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_13))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_13)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_14_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_14))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_14)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_IRC_15_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRC_15))+ " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRC_15)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Neris_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Neris)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Neris)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("RBot_Instances:" + str(len(indx_RBot)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_RBot)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Menti_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Menti)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Menti)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Sogou_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Sogou)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Sogou)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Murlo_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Murlo)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Murlo)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Virut_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Virut)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Virut)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("IRCbot_and_black_hole_1_Instances:" + str(len(indx_IRCbot_and_black_hole_1)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_IRCbot_and_black_hole_1)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Black_hole_2_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Black_hole_2)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Black_hole_2)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Black_hole_3_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Black_hole_3)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Black_hole_3)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("TBot_1_Instances:" + str(len(indx_TBot_1)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_TBot_1)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("TBot_2_Instances:" + str(len(indx_TBot_2)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_TBot_2)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("TBot_3_Instances:" + str(len(indx_TBot_3)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_TBot_3)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("TBot_4_Instances:" + str(len(indx_TBot_4)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_TBot_4)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Weasel_master_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Weasel_master)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Weasel_master)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Weasel_bot_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Weasel_bot)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Weasel_bot)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Zeus_1_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Zeus_1)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Zeus_1)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Zeus_2_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Zeus_2)) + " ---> "+ str(round(round(len(indx_Zeus_2)/total_instances*100, 4), 2)) + " %")
print("Zeus_3_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Zeus_3)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Zeus_3)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("bin_Zeus_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Zeus_3)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Zeus_3)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Osx_trojan_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Osx_trojan)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Osx_trojan)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("zero_access_1_Instances:" + str(len(indx_zero_access_1)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_zero_access_1)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("zero_access_2_Instances:" + str(len(indx_zero_access_2)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_zero_access_2)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
print("Smoke_bot_Instances:" + str(len(indx_Smoke_bot)) + " ---> "+ str(round(len(indx_Smoke_bot)/total_instances*100, 4)) + " %")
if begin_from_start:
if botnet == True:
# This cell labels the 'Label' column in the data frame to 1 where the particular botnet was found
data.loc[:, 'Label'] = 0.0
data.loc[indx_IRC_2, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_IRC_3, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_IRC_4, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_IRC_5, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_IRC_6, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_IRC_7, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_IRC_11, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_IRC_15, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_Neris, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_RBot, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_Virut, 'Label'] = 1
data.loc[indx_Zeus_2, 'Label'] = 1
# print(data['Label'])
I will be grateful if someone can give me an advice in this regard if I am labeling the flows correctly or not.
I am having trouble in using the malicious IP information for CIC Botnet Dataset given on their website. It has been mentioned as follows:
Botnet name | Type | Portion of flows in dataset
The resulting set was divided into training and test datasets that included 7 and 16 types of botnets, respectively. Tables 1 and 2 detail distribution and type of botnets in each dataset. Our training dataset is 5.3 GB in size of which 43.92% is malicious and the reminder contains normal flows. Test dataset is 8.5 GB of which 44.97% is malicious flows. We added more diversity of botnet traces in the test dataset than the training dataset in order to evaluate the novelty detection a feature subset can provide. Distribution of botnet types in the test dataset
Botnet name | Type | Portion of flows in dataset
List of malicious IPs
However, after labeling the flows using the code given below that I had written in python, I assume that either my code is not labeling correctly or the information as mentioned in their website is erroneous.
I will be very grateful if someone can help me in this regard.
Below is the code for labeling in python:
I will be grateful if someone can give me an advice in this regard if I am labeling the flows correctly or not.