ahmadalibaloch / Angular-AdminLTE

AngularjsApp Implementation of renowned Admin-LTE theme (https://github.com/almasaeed2010/AdminLTE) now with many useful directives and features.
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Does this Use Angularjs #1

Open priyankmundragmail opened 8 years ago

priyankmundragmail commented 8 years ago

Hi the name suggest AngularJs framework but i do not see any code related to it . Is it my misunderstanding ?

ahmadalibaloch commented 8 years ago

I am working on it.

TheRegge commented 8 years ago

I have not seen one piece of Angular code... maybe this repo should explain its status a bit more clearly:

"This is a AngularJS branch of the wonderful AdminLTE project, without a single line of Angular implementation yet".

That would save some people some time ;)

ahmadalibaloch commented 8 years ago

I am sorry, just after creation and the idea, I got busy and still its pending in todo list in order. I have plan to move onto AngularJs 2.0 Now.

joaopaulonobrega commented 8 years ago

and now?

NavneetKaur9 commented 8 years ago

Hi Can you suggest how can we change this repo into angular version?

ahmadalibaloch commented 8 years ago

I have started working on it now. I will add basic app and routing mechanism this weekend. Hold on for a week until you can start pull requests. Thanks

carabationut commented 8 years ago


When should we expect for a working app with the routing? Thanks and keep up with the good work :)

mfkenson commented 8 years ago

current status?

ahmadalibaloch commented 8 years ago

Just some days to go.. I have successfully added ngApp with Webpack and code will be available in TypeScript too. Yet the conversion of all pages and different components to directives will continue with your helps :-).

arturcesarmelo commented 7 years ago

how can i inject a service (like my.service) into home.component class?

ichromanrd commented 5 years ago

Is this project still running?

ahmadalibaloch commented 5 years ago

No, But what help do you need?

ichromanrd commented 5 years ago

I am new to angular js and have been used AdminLTE for some of my projects before. I am currently searching some references that give me guidance to integrate AdminLTE with angular js as front end of my app. And I found this repo, how to use it?

ichromanrd commented 5 years ago

Btw, you've done great job with this repo. Why don't you continue it?

ahmadalibaloch commented 5 years ago

I think you should start with Angular instead of AngularJS.