ahmedeltaher / Prayer-Times-Android-Azan

Prayer + Time + Android + Kotlin + Azan + Library + timezone + islamic + salah + Library aiming to calculate prayer time with one line code , if you implement prayer time application , there is no need to do this headache again .
Apache License 2.0
363 stars 94 forks source link

build gradle failed #30

Open aldharab opened 1 year ago

aldharab commented 1 year ago

Failed to resolve: com.github.ahmedeltaher:Azan:3.0 Show in Project Structure dialog Affected Modules: app

I use android studio Dolphin and sdk 33

zakyabdurrahman commented 11 months ago

Very late reply but make sure your settings.gradle look like this image

mooti-barry commented 11 months ago

The same error

zakyabdurrahman commented 11 months ago

did you try using my solution? @mooti-barry