ahmedfgad / GeneticAlgorithmPython

Source code of PyGAD, a Python 3 library for building the genetic algorithm and training machine learning algorithms (Keras & PyTorch).
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Force recalculation of fitness values for each new generation ? #255

Closed sunderved closed 5 months ago

sunderved commented 6 months ago

I understand that fitness values will not be reused if the following settings are used:


But is there a way to disable reuse and force recalculation of fitness values for each new generation if any of these options is set to a different value?

Specifically, I want to have keep_elitism=1, but recalculate the fitness value of the best solution in each new generation.

ahmedfgad commented 5 months ago

Is there a reason to recalculate the fitness even if keep_elitism=1? This might help us decide a better solution.

A simple solution is to re-implement the cal_pop_fitness() method as listed below. It disables the part that reuses the fitness when keep_elitism != 0. This means even if keep_elitism=1, the fitness function will still be called. Note that you still have to set keep_parents=0 and save_solutions=False.

This is a full working code that does what you are looking for. The cal_pop_fitness() method has a print statement to make sure you are calling the right method.

import pygad
import numpy
import sys
from pygad import GA
import concurrent.futures

class Test(GA):
    def cal_pop_fitness(self):
        Calculating the fitness values of batches of solutions in the current population. 
        It returns:
            -fitness: An array of the calculated fitness values.
            if self.valid_parameters == False:
                raise Exception("ERROR calling the cal_pop_fitness() method: \nPlease check the parameters passed while creating an instance of the GA class.\n")

            # 'last_generation_parents_as_list' is the list version of 'self.last_generation_parents'
            # It is used to return the parent index using the 'in' membership operator of Python lists. This is much faster than using 'numpy.where()'.
            if self.last_generation_parents is not None:
                last_generation_parents_as_list = [
                    list(gen_parent) for gen_parent in self.last_generation_parents]

            # 'last_generation_elitism_as_list' is the list version of 'self.last_generation_elitism'
            # It is used to return the elitism index using the 'in' membership operator of Python lists. This is much faster than using 'numpy.where()'.
            # if self.last_generation_elitism is not None:
            #     last_generation_elitism_as_list = [
            #         list(gen_elitism) for gen_elitism in self.last_generation_elitism]

            pop_fitness = ["undefined"] * len(self.population)
            if self.parallel_processing is None:
                # Calculating the fitness value of each solution in the current population.
                for sol_idx, sol in enumerate(self.population):
                    # Check if the `save_solutions` parameter is `True` and whether the solution already exists in the `solutions` list. If so, use its fitness rather than calculating it again.
                    # The functions numpy.any()/numpy.all()/numpy.where()/numpy.equal() are very slow.
                    # So, list membership operator 'in' is used to check if the solution exists in the 'self.solutions' list.
                    # Make sure that both the solution and 'self.solutions' are of type 'list' not 'numpy.ndarray'.
                    # if (self.save_solutions) and (len(self.solutions) > 0) and (numpy.any(numpy.all(self.solutions == numpy.array(sol), axis=1)))
                    # if (self.save_solutions) and (len(self.solutions) > 0) and (numpy.any(numpy.all(numpy.equal(self.solutions, numpy.array(sol)), axis=1)))
                    if (self.save_solutions) and (len(self.solutions) > 0) and (list(sol) in self.solutions):
                        solution_idx = self.solutions.index(list(sol))
                        fitness = self.solutions_fitness[solution_idx]
                    elif (self.save_best_solutions) and (len(self.best_solutions) > 0) and (list(sol) in self.best_solutions):
                        solution_idx = self.best_solutions.index(list(sol))
                        fitness = self.best_solutions_fitness[solution_idx]
                    # elif (self.keep_elitism > 0) and (self.last_generation_elitism is not None) and (len(self.last_generation_elitism) > 0) and (list(sol) in last_generation_elitism_as_list):
                    #     # Return the index of the elitism from the elitism array 'self.last_generation_elitism'.
                    #     # This is not its index within the population. It is just its index in the 'self.last_generation_elitism' array.
                    #     elitism_idx = last_generation_elitism_as_list.index(list(sol))
                    #     # Use the returned elitism index to return its index in the last population.
                    #     elitism_idx = self.last_generation_elitism_indices[elitism_idx]
                    #     # Use the elitism's index to return its pre-calculated fitness value.
                    #     fitness = self.previous_generation_fitness[elitism_idx]
                    # If the solutions are not saved (i.e. `save_solutions=False`), check if this solution is a parent from the previous generation and its fitness value is already calculated. If so, use the fitness value instead of calling the fitness function.
                    # We cannot use the `numpy.where()` function directly because it does not support the `axis` parameter. This is why the `numpy.all()` function is used to match the solutions on axis=1.
                    # elif (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and len(numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0] > 0):
                    elif ((self.keep_parents == -1) or (self.keep_parents > 0)) and (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and (len(self.last_generation_parents) > 0) and (list(sol) in last_generation_parents_as_list):
                        # Index of the parent in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # This is not its index within the population. It is just its index in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # parent_idx = numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0][0]
                        parent_idx = last_generation_parents_as_list.index(list(sol))
                        # Use the returned parent index to return its index in the last population.
                        parent_idx = self.last_generation_parents_indices[parent_idx]
                        # Use the parent's index to return its pre-calculated fitness value.
                        fitness = self.previous_generation_fitness[parent_idx]
                        # Check if batch processing is used. If not, then calculate this missing fitness value.
                        if self.fitness_batch_size in [1, None]:
                            fitness = self.fitness_func(self, sol, sol_idx)
                            if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                            elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value {fitness} of type {type(fitness)} found.")
                            # Reaching this point means that batch processing is in effect to calculate the fitness values.
                            # Do not continue the loop as no fitness is calculated. The fitness will be calculated later in batch mode.

                    # This is only executed if the fitness value was already calculated.
                    pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness

                if self.fitness_batch_size not in [1, None]:
                    # Reaching this block means that batch fitness calculation is used.

                    # Indices of the solutions to calculate their fitness.
                    solutions_indices = [idx for idx, fit in enumerate(pop_fitness) if type(fit) is str and fit == "undefined"]
                    # Number of batches.
                    num_batches = int(numpy.ceil(len(solutions_indices) / self.fitness_batch_size))
                    # For each batch, get its indices and call the fitness function.
                    for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
                        batch_first_index = batch_idx * self.fitness_batch_size
                        batch_last_index = (batch_idx + 1) * self.fitness_batch_size
                        batch_indices = solutions_indices[batch_first_index:batch_last_index]
                        batch_solutions = self.population[batch_indices, :]

                        batch_fitness = self.fitness_func(
                            self, batch_solutions, batch_indices)
                        if type(batch_fitness) not in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                            raise TypeError(f"Expected to receive a list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray from the fitness function but the value ({batch_fitness}) of type {type(batch_fitness)}.")
                        elif len(numpy.array(batch_fitness)) != len(batch_indices):
                            raise ValueError(f"There is a mismatch between the number of solutions passed to the fitness function ({len(batch_indices)}) and the number of fitness values returned ({len(batch_fitness)}). They must match.")

                        for index, fitness in zip(batch_indices, batch_fitness):
                            if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                            elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value {fitness} of type {type(fitness)} found.")
                # Calculating the fitness value of each solution in the current population.
                for sol_idx, sol in enumerate(self.population):
                    # Check if the `save_solutions` parameter is `True` and whether the solution already exists in the `solutions` list. If so, use its fitness rather than calculating it again.
                    # The functions numpy.any()/numpy.all()/numpy.where()/numpy.equal() are very slow.
                    # So, list membership operator 'in' is used to check if the solution exists in the 'self.solutions' list.
                    # Make sure that both the solution and 'self.solutions' are of type 'list' not 'numpy.ndarray'.
                    if (self.save_solutions) and (len(self.solutions) > 0) and (list(sol) in self.solutions):
                        solution_idx = self.solutions.index(list(sol))
                        fitness = self.solutions_fitness[solution_idx]
                        pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness
                    # elif (self.keep_elitism > 0) and (self.last_generation_elitism is not None) and (len(self.last_generation_elitism) > 0) and (list(sol) in last_generation_elitism_as_list):
                    #     # Return the index of the elitism from the elitism array 'self.last_generation_elitism'.
                    #     # This is not its index within the population. It is just its index in the 'self.last_generation_elitism' array.
                    #     elitism_idx = last_generation_elitism_as_list.index(
                    #         list(sol))
                    #     # Use the returned elitism index to return its index in the last population.
                    #     elitism_idx = self.last_generation_elitism_indices[elitism_idx]
                    #     # Use the elitism's index to return its pre-calculated fitness value.
                    #     fitness = self.previous_generation_fitness[elitism_idx]

                    #     pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness
                    # If the solutions are not saved (i.e. `save_solutions=False`), check if this solution is a parent from the previous generation and its fitness value is already calculated. If so, use the fitness value instead of calling the fitness function.
                    # We cannot use the `numpy.where()` function directly because it does not support the `axis` parameter. This is why the `numpy.all()` function is used to match the solutions on axis=1.
                    # elif (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and len(numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0] > 0):
                    elif ((self.keep_parents == -1) or (self.keep_parents > 0)) and (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and (len(self.last_generation_parents) > 0) and (list(sol) in last_generation_parents_as_list):
                        # Index of the parent in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # This is not its index within the population. It is just its index in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # parent_idx = numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0][0]
                        parent_idx = last_generation_parents_as_list.index(
                        # Use the returned parent index to return its index in the last population.
                        parent_idx = self.last_generation_parents_indices[parent_idx]
                        # Use the parent's index to return its pre-calculated fitness value.
                        fitness = self.previous_generation_fitness[parent_idx]

                        pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness

                # Decide which class to use based on whether the user selected "process" or "thread"
                if self.parallel_processing[0] == "process":
                    ExecutorClass = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor
                    ExecutorClass = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor

                # We can use a with statement to ensure threads are cleaned up promptly (https://docs.python.org/3/library/concurrent.futures.html#threadpoolexecutor-example)
                with ExecutorClass(max_workers=self.parallel_processing[1]) as executor:
                    solutions_to_submit_indices = []
                    solutions_to_submit = []
                    for sol_idx, sol in enumerate(self.population):
                        # The "undefined" value means that the fitness of this solution must be calculated.
                        if type(pop_fitness[sol_idx]) is str:
                            if pop_fitness[sol_idx] == "undefined":
                        elif type(pop_fitness[sol_idx]) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                            # This is a multi-objective problem. The fitness is already calculated. Nothing to do.

                    # Check if batch processing is used. If not, then calculate the fitness value for individual solutions.
                    if self.fitness_batch_size in [1, None]:
                        for index, fitness in zip(solutions_to_submit_indices, executor.map(self.fitness_func, [self]*len(solutions_to_submit_indices), solutions_to_submit, solutions_to_submit_indices)):
                            if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                            elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value {fitness} of type {type(fitness)} found.")
                        # Reaching this block means that batch processing is used. The fitness values are calculated in batches.

                        # Number of batches.
                        num_batches = int(numpy.ceil(len(solutions_to_submit_indices) / self.fitness_batch_size))
                        # Each element of the `batches_solutions` list represents the solutions in one batch.
                        batches_solutions = []
                        # Each element of the `batches_indices` list represents the solutions' indices in one batch.
                        batches_indices = []
                        # For each batch, get its indices and call the fitness function.
                        for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
                            batch_first_index = batch_idx * self.fitness_batch_size
                            batch_last_index = (batch_idx + 1) * self.fitness_batch_size
                            batch_indices = solutions_to_submit_indices[batch_first_index:batch_last_index]
                            batch_solutions = self.population[batch_indices, :]


                        for batch_indices, batch_fitness in zip(batches_indices, executor.map(self.fitness_func, [self]*len(solutions_to_submit_indices), batches_solutions, batches_indices)):
                            if type(batch_fitness) not in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                raise TypeError(f"Expected to receive a list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray from the fitness function but the value ({batch_fitness}) of type {type(batch_fitness)}.")
                            elif len(numpy.array(batch_fitness)) != len(batch_indices):
                                raise ValueError(f"There is a mismatch between the number of solutions passed to the fitness function ({len(batch_indices)}) and the number of fitness values returned ({len(batch_fitness)}). They must match.")

                            for index, fitness in zip(batch_indices, batch_fitness):
                                if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                    # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                    # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                                    pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                    # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                    # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                    pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                    raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value ({fitness}) of type {type(fitness)} found.")

            pop_fitness = numpy.array(pop_fitness)
        except Exception as ex:
        return pop_fitness

function_inputs = [4,-2,3.5,5,-11,-4.7]
desired_output = 44

def fitness_func(ga_instance, solution, solution_idx):
    output = numpy.sum(solution*function_inputs)
    solution_fitness = 1.0 / numpy.abs(output - desired_output)
    return solution_fitness

num_generations = 2
num_parents_mating = 4
sol_per_pop = 10
num_genes = len(function_inputs)

ga_instance = pygad.GA(num_generations=num_generations,

ga_instance.cal_pop_fitness = Test(num_generations=num_generations,
sunderved commented 5 months ago

Thanks for sharing this code. I will definitely try it out.

I suspect that my use case is similar to what is reported here: https://github.com/ahmedfgad/GeneticAlgorithmPython/issues/100

I am working on an AI for a card game. Each AI candidate is a solution in the population. My thought was to evaluate the fitness of the different solutions by making them play many matches against each other. With this approach, the fitness of a given solution is not always going to be same as it depends on the quality of the other solutions. That's why I don't want to reuse the fitness values of the solutions which are passed on to the next generation.

ahmedfgad commented 5 months ago

Thanks for clarification. I am asking because your problem is, let's say, semi-deterministic.

If the problem is non-deterministic, then:

  1. keep_parents=0
  2. keep_elitism=0
  3. save_solutions=False

If the problem is deterministic, then the first 2 parameters can have positive values and the last one can be set to True.

In your case, you want keep_elitism=1 while not re-using the fitness. This is why I think the best way is to implement the cal_pop_fitness() method to implement your desired behavior.

sunderved commented 5 months ago

I certainly work with that. Thanks @ahmedfgad.

sunderved commented 5 months ago

@ahmedfgad, I think there is a bug in your code.

I added print statements in the fitness and on_generation callbacks.

My test works fine if I do not overload the cal_pop_fitness function with your version.

import pygad
import numpy
import sys
from pygad import GA
import concurrent.futures

class Test(GA):
    def cal_pop_fitness(self):
        Calculating the fitness values of batches of solutions in the current population. 
        It returns:
            -fitness: An array of the calculated fitness values.
            if self.valid_parameters == False:
                raise Exception("ERROR calling the cal_pop_fitness() method: \nPlease check the parameters passed while creating an instance of the GA class.\n")

            # 'last_generation_parents_as_list' is the list version of 'self.last_generation_parents'
            # It is used to return the parent index using the 'in' membership operator of Python lists. This is much faster than using 'numpy.where()'.
            if self.last_generation_parents is not None:
                last_generation_parents_as_list = [
                    list(gen_parent) for gen_parent in self.last_generation_parents]

            # 'last_generation_elitism_as_list' is the list version of 'self.last_generation_elitism'
            # It is used to return the elitism index using the 'in' membership operator of Python lists. This is much faster than using 'numpy.where()'.
            # if self.last_generation_elitism is not None:
            #     last_generation_elitism_as_list = [
            #         list(gen_elitism) for gen_elitism in self.last_generation_elitism]

            pop_fitness = ["undefined"] * len(self.population)
            if self.parallel_processing is None:
                # Calculating the fitness value of each solution in the current population.
                for sol_idx, sol in enumerate(self.population):
                    # Check if the `save_solutions` parameter is `True` and whether the solution already exists in the `solutions` list. If so, use its fitness rather than calculating it again.
                    # The functions numpy.any()/numpy.all()/numpy.where()/numpy.equal() are very slow.
                    # So, list membership operator 'in' is used to check if the solution exists in the 'self.solutions' list.
                    # Make sure that both the solution and 'self.solutions' are of type 'list' not 'numpy.ndarray'.
                    # if (self.save_solutions) and (len(self.solutions) > 0) and (numpy.any(numpy.all(self.solutions == numpy.array(sol), axis=1)))
                    # if (self.save_solutions) and (len(self.solutions) > 0) and (numpy.any(numpy.all(numpy.equal(self.solutions, numpy.array(sol)), axis=1)))
                    if (self.save_solutions) and (len(self.solutions) > 0) and (list(sol) in self.solutions):
                        solution_idx = self.solutions.index(list(sol))
                        fitness = self.solutions_fitness[solution_idx]
                    elif (self.save_best_solutions) and (len(self.best_solutions) > 0) and (list(sol) in self.best_solutions):
                        solution_idx = self.best_solutions.index(list(sol))
                        fitness = self.best_solutions_fitness[solution_idx]
                    # elif (self.keep_elitism > 0) and (self.last_generation_elitism is not None) and (len(self.last_generation_elitism) > 0) and (list(sol) in last_generation_elitism_as_list):
                    #     # Return the index of the elitism from the elitism array 'self.last_generation_elitism'.
                    #     # This is not its index within the population. It is just its index in the 'self.last_generation_elitism' array.
                    #     elitism_idx = last_generation_elitism_as_list.index(list(sol))
                    #     # Use the returned elitism index to return its index in the last population.
                    #     elitism_idx = self.last_generation_elitism_indices[elitism_idx]
                    #     # Use the elitism's index to return its pre-calculated fitness value.
                    #     fitness = self.previous_generation_fitness[elitism_idx]
                    # If the solutions are not saved (i.e. `save_solutions=False`), check if this solution is a parent from the previous generation and its fitness value is already calculated. If so, use the fitness value instead of calling the fitness function.
                    # We cannot use the `numpy.where()` function directly because it does not support the `axis` parameter. This is why the `numpy.all()` function is used to match the solutions on axis=1.
                    # elif (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and len(numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0] > 0):
                    elif ((self.keep_parents == -1) or (self.keep_parents > 0)) and (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and (len(self.last_generation_parents) > 0) and (list(sol) in last_generation_parents_as_list):
                        # Index of the parent in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # This is not its index within the population. It is just its index in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # parent_idx = numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0][0]
                        parent_idx = last_generation_parents_as_list.index(list(sol))
                        # Use the returned parent index to return its index in the last population.
                        parent_idx = self.last_generation_parents_indices[parent_idx]
                        # Use the parent's index to return its pre-calculated fitness value.
                        fitness = self.previous_generation_fitness[parent_idx]
                        # Check if batch processing is used. If not, then calculate this missing fitness value.
                        if self.fitness_batch_size in [1, None]:
                            fitness = self.fitness_func(self, sol, sol_idx)
                            if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                            elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value {fitness} of type {type(fitness)} found.")
                            # Reaching this point means that batch processing is in effect to calculate the fitness values.
                            # Do not continue the loop as no fitness is calculated. The fitness will be calculated later in batch mode.

                    # This is only executed if the fitness value was already calculated.
                    pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness

                if self.fitness_batch_size not in [1, None]:
                    # Reaching this block means that batch fitness calculation is used.

                    # Indices of the solutions to calculate their fitness.
                    solutions_indices = [idx for idx, fit in enumerate(pop_fitness) if type(fit) is str and fit == "undefined"]
                    # Number of batches.
                    num_batches = int(numpy.ceil(len(solutions_indices) / self.fitness_batch_size))
                    # For each batch, get its indices and call the fitness function.
                    for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
                        batch_first_index = batch_idx * self.fitness_batch_size
                        batch_last_index = (batch_idx + 1) * self.fitness_batch_size
                        batch_indices = solutions_indices[batch_first_index:batch_last_index]
                        batch_solutions = self.population[batch_indices, :]

                        batch_fitness = self.fitness_func(
                            self, batch_solutions, batch_indices)
                        if type(batch_fitness) not in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                            raise TypeError(f"Expected to receive a list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray from the fitness function but the value ({batch_fitness}) of type {type(batch_fitness)}.")
                        elif len(numpy.array(batch_fitness)) != len(batch_indices):
                            raise ValueError(f"There is a mismatch between the number of solutions passed to the fitness function ({len(batch_indices)}) and the number of fitness values returned ({len(batch_fitness)}). They must match.")

                        for index, fitness in zip(batch_indices, batch_fitness):
                            if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                            elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value {fitness} of type {type(fitness)} found.")
                # Calculating the fitness value of each solution in the current population.
                for sol_idx, sol in enumerate(self.population):
                    # Check if the `save_solutions` parameter is `True` and whether the solution already exists in the `solutions` list. If so, use its fitness rather than calculating it again.
                    # The functions numpy.any()/numpy.all()/numpy.where()/numpy.equal() are very slow.
                    # So, list membership operator 'in' is used to check if the solution exists in the 'self.solutions' list.
                    # Make sure that both the solution and 'self.solutions' are of type 'list' not 'numpy.ndarray'.
                    if (self.save_solutions) and (len(self.solutions) > 0) and (list(sol) in self.solutions):
                        solution_idx = self.solutions.index(list(sol))
                        fitness = self.solutions_fitness[solution_idx]
                        pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness
                    # elif (self.keep_elitism > 0) and (self.last_generation_elitism is not None) and (len(self.last_generation_elitism) > 0) and (list(sol) in last_generation_elitism_as_list):
                    #     # Return the index of the elitism from the elitism array 'self.last_generation_elitism'.
                    #     # This is not its index within the population. It is just its index in the 'self.last_generation_elitism' array.
                    #     elitism_idx = last_generation_elitism_as_list.index(
                    #         list(sol))
                    #     # Use the returned elitism index to return its index in the last population.
                    #     elitism_idx = self.last_generation_elitism_indices[elitism_idx]
                    #     # Use the elitism's index to return its pre-calculated fitness value.
                    #     fitness = self.previous_generation_fitness[elitism_idx]

                    #     pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness
                    # If the solutions are not saved (i.e. `save_solutions=False`), check if this solution is a parent from the previous generation and its fitness value is already calculated. If so, use the fitness value instead of calling the fitness function.
                    # We cannot use the `numpy.where()` function directly because it does not support the `axis` parameter. This is why the `numpy.all()` function is used to match the solutions on axis=1.
                    # elif (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and len(numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0] > 0):
                    elif ((self.keep_parents == -1) or (self.keep_parents > 0)) and (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and (len(self.last_generation_parents) > 0) and (list(sol) in last_generation_parents_as_list):
                        # Index of the parent in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # This is not its index within the population. It is just its index in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # parent_idx = numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0][0]
                        parent_idx = last_generation_parents_as_list.index(
                        # Use the returned parent index to return its index in the last population.
                        parent_idx = self.last_generation_parents_indices[parent_idx]
                        # Use the parent's index to return its pre-calculated fitness value.
                        fitness = self.previous_generation_fitness[parent_idx]

                        pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness

                # Decide which class to use based on whether the user selected "process" or "thread"
                if self.parallel_processing[0] == "process":
                    ExecutorClass = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor
                    ExecutorClass = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor

                # We can use a with statement to ensure threads are cleaned up promptly (https://docs.python.org/3/library/concurrent.futures.html#threadpoolexecutor-example)
                with ExecutorClass(max_workers=self.parallel_processing[1]) as executor:
                    solutions_to_submit_indices = []
                    solutions_to_submit = []
                    for sol_idx, sol in enumerate(self.population):
                        # The "undefined" value means that the fitness of this solution must be calculated.
                        if type(pop_fitness[sol_idx]) is str:
                            if pop_fitness[sol_idx] == "undefined":
                        elif type(pop_fitness[sol_idx]) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                            # This is a multi-objective problem. The fitness is already calculated. Nothing to do.

                    # Check if batch processing is used. If not, then calculate the fitness value for individual solutions.
                    if self.fitness_batch_size in [1, None]:
                        for index, fitness in zip(solutions_to_submit_indices, executor.map(self.fitness_func, [self]*len(solutions_to_submit_indices), solutions_to_submit, solutions_to_submit_indices)):
                            if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                            elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value {fitness} of type {type(fitness)} found.")
                        # Reaching this block means that batch processing is used. The fitness values are calculated in batches.

                        # Number of batches.
                        num_batches = int(numpy.ceil(len(solutions_to_submit_indices) / self.fitness_batch_size))
                        # Each element of the `batches_solutions` list represents the solutions in one batch.
                        batches_solutions = []
                        # Each element of the `batches_indices` list represents the solutions' indices in one batch.
                        batches_indices = []
                        # For each batch, get its indices and call the fitness function.
                        for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
                            batch_first_index = batch_idx * self.fitness_batch_size
                            batch_last_index = (batch_idx + 1) * self.fitness_batch_size
                            batch_indices = solutions_to_submit_indices[batch_first_index:batch_last_index]
                            batch_solutions = self.population[batch_indices, :]


                        for batch_indices, batch_fitness in zip(batches_indices, executor.map(self.fitness_func, [self]*len(solutions_to_submit_indices), batches_solutions, batches_indices)):
                            if type(batch_fitness) not in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                raise TypeError(f"Expected to receive a list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray from the fitness function but the value ({batch_fitness}) of type {type(batch_fitness)}.")
                            elif len(numpy.array(batch_fitness)) != len(batch_indices):
                                raise ValueError(f"There is a mismatch between the number of solutions passed to the fitness function ({len(batch_indices)}) and the number of fitness values returned ({len(batch_fitness)}). They must match.")

                            for index, fitness in zip(batch_indices, batch_fitness):
                                if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                    # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                    # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                                    pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                    # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                    # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                    pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                    raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value ({fitness}) of type {type(fitness)} found.")

            pop_fitness = numpy.array(pop_fitness)
        except Exception as ex:
        return pop_fitness

function_inputs = [4,-2,3.5,5,-11,-4.7]
desired_output = 44

def fitness_func(ga_instance, solution, solution_idx):
    output = numpy.sum(solution*function_inputs)
    solution_fitness = 1.0 / numpy.abs(output - desired_output)
    print('    ', ga_instance.generations_completed, solution_idx, solution_fitness, output, solution)    
    return solution_fitness

# Function called at the end of each generation
def callback_generation(ga_instance):
    # pop_fitness=ga_instance.last_generation_fitness
    solution, solution_fitness, solution_idx = ga_instance.best_solution(pop_fitness=ga_instance.last_generation_fitness)
    output = numpy.sum(solution*function_inputs)
    print(' EOG', ga_instance.generations_completed, solution_idx, solution_fitness, output, solution)    

num_generations = 4
num_parents_mating = 4
sol_per_pop = 10
num_genes = len(function_inputs)
stop_criteria = "reach_10"

ga_instance = pygad.GA(num_generations=num_generations,

ga_instance.cal_pop_fitness = Test(num_generations=num_generations,
ahmedfgad commented 5 months ago

My fault!

This is the updated code. I just removed some commented lines.

Please check if it has any issues.

import numpy
import sys
from pygad import GA
import concurrent.futures

class NewGA(GA):
    def cal_pop_fitness(self):
        Calculating the fitness values of batches of solutions in the current population. 
        It returns:
            -fitness: An array of the calculated fitness values.
            if self.valid_parameters == False:
                raise Exception("ERROR calling the cal_pop_fitness() method: \nPlease check the parameters passed while creating an instance of the GA class.\n")

            # 'last_generation_parents_as_list' is the list version of 'self.last_generation_parents'
            # It is used to return the parent index using the 'in' membership operator of Python lists. This is much faster than using 'numpy.where()'.
            if self.last_generation_parents is not None:
                last_generation_parents_as_list = [
                    list(gen_parent) for gen_parent in self.last_generation_parents]

            pop_fitness = ["undefined"] * len(self.population)
            if self.parallel_processing is None:
                # Calculating the fitness value of each solution in the current population.
                for sol_idx, sol in enumerate(self.population):
                    # Check if the `save_solutions` parameter is `True` and whether the solution already exists in the `solutions` list. If so, use its fitness rather than calculating it again.
                    # The functions numpy.any()/numpy.all()/numpy.where()/numpy.equal() are very slow.
                    # So, list membership operator 'in' is used to check if the solution exists in the 'self.solutions' list.
                    # Make sure that both the solution and 'self.solutions' are of type 'list' not 'numpy.ndarray'.
                    if (self.save_solutions) and (len(self.solutions) > 0) and (list(sol) in self.solutions):
                        solution_idx = self.solutions.index(list(sol))
                        fitness = self.solutions_fitness[solution_idx]
                    elif (self.save_best_solutions) and (len(self.best_solutions) > 0) and (list(sol) in self.best_solutions):
                        solution_idx = self.best_solutions.index(list(sol))
                        fitness = self.best_solutions_fitness[solution_idx]

                    # If the solutions are not saved (i.e. `save_solutions=False`), check if this solution is a parent from the previous generation and its fitness value is already calculated. If so, use the fitness value instead of calling the fitness function.
                    # We cannot use the `numpy.where()` function directly because it does not support the `axis` parameter. This is why the `numpy.all()` function is used to match the solutions on axis=1.
                    # elif (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and len(numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0] > 0):
                    elif ((self.keep_parents == -1) or (self.keep_parents > 0)) and (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and (len(self.last_generation_parents) > 0) and (list(sol) in last_generation_parents_as_list):
                        # Index of the parent in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # This is not its index within the population. It is just its index in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # parent_idx = numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0][0]
                        parent_idx = last_generation_parents_as_list.index(list(sol))
                        # Use the returned parent index to return its index in the last population.
                        parent_idx = self.last_generation_parents_indices[parent_idx]
                        # Use the parent's index to return its pre-calculated fitness value.
                        fitness = self.previous_generation_fitness[parent_idx]
                        # Check if batch processing is used. If not, then calculate this missing fitness value.
                        if self.fitness_batch_size in [1, None]:
                            fitness = self.fitness_func(self, sol, sol_idx)
                            if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                            elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value {fitness} of type {type(fitness)} found.")
                            # Reaching this point means that batch processing is in effect to calculate the fitness values.
                            # Do not continue the loop as no fitness is calculated. The fitness will be calculated later in batch mode.

                    # This is only executed if the fitness value was already calculated.
                    pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness

                if self.fitness_batch_size not in [1, None]:
                    # Reaching this block means that batch fitness calculation is used.

                    # Indices of the solutions to calculate their fitness.
                    solutions_indices = [idx for idx, fit in enumerate(pop_fitness) if type(fit) is str and fit == "undefined"]
                    # Number of batches.
                    num_batches = int(numpy.ceil(len(solutions_indices) / self.fitness_batch_size))
                    # For each batch, get its indices and call the fitness function.
                    for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
                        batch_first_index = batch_idx * self.fitness_batch_size
                        batch_last_index = (batch_idx + 1) * self.fitness_batch_size
                        batch_indices = solutions_indices[batch_first_index:batch_last_index]
                        batch_solutions = self.population[batch_indices, :]

                        batch_fitness = self.fitness_func(
                            self, batch_solutions, batch_indices)
                        if type(batch_fitness) not in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                            raise TypeError(f"Expected to receive a list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray from the fitness function but the value ({batch_fitness}) of type {type(batch_fitness)}.")
                        elif len(numpy.array(batch_fitness)) != len(batch_indices):
                            raise ValueError(f"There is a mismatch between the number of solutions passed to the fitness function ({len(batch_indices)}) and the number of fitness values returned ({len(batch_fitness)}). They must match.")

                        for index, fitness in zip(batch_indices, batch_fitness):
                            if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                            elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value {fitness} of type {type(fitness)} found.")
                # Calculating the fitness value of each solution in the current population.
                for sol_idx, sol in enumerate(self.population):
                    # Check if the `save_solutions` parameter is `True` and whether the solution already exists in the `solutions` list. If so, use its fitness rather than calculating it again.
                    # The functions numpy.any()/numpy.all()/numpy.where()/numpy.equal() are very slow.
                    # So, list membership operator 'in' is used to check if the solution exists in the 'self.solutions' list.
                    # Make sure that both the solution and 'self.solutions' are of type 'list' not 'numpy.ndarray'.
                    if (self.save_solutions) and (len(self.solutions) > 0) and (list(sol) in self.solutions):
                        solution_idx = self.solutions.index(list(sol))
                        fitness = self.solutions_fitness[solution_idx]
                        pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness

                    # If the solutions are not saved (i.e. `save_solutions=False`), check if this solution is a parent from the previous generation and its fitness value is already calculated. If so, use the fitness value instead of calling the fitness function.
                    # We cannot use the `numpy.where()` function directly because it does not support the `axis` parameter. This is why the `numpy.all()` function is used to match the solutions on axis=1.
                    # elif (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and len(numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0] > 0):
                    elif ((self.keep_parents == -1) or (self.keep_parents > 0)) and (self.last_generation_parents is not None) and (len(self.last_generation_parents) > 0) and (list(sol) in last_generation_parents_as_list):
                        # Index of the parent in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # This is not its index within the population. It is just its index in the 'self.last_generation_parents' array.
                        # parent_idx = numpy.where(numpy.all(self.last_generation_parents == sol, axis=1))[0][0]
                        parent_idx = last_generation_parents_as_list.index(
                        # Use the returned parent index to return its index in the last population.
                        parent_idx = self.last_generation_parents_indices[parent_idx]
                        # Use the parent's index to return its pre-calculated fitness value.
                        fitness = self.previous_generation_fitness[parent_idx]

                        pop_fitness[sol_idx] = fitness

                # Decide which class to use based on whether the user selected "process" or "thread"
                if self.parallel_processing[0] == "process":
                    ExecutorClass = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor
                    ExecutorClass = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor

                # We can use a with statement to ensure threads are cleaned up promptly (https://docs.python.org/3/library/concurrent.futures.html#threadpoolexecutor-example)
                with ExecutorClass(max_workers=self.parallel_processing[1]) as executor:
                    solutions_to_submit_indices = []
                    solutions_to_submit = []
                    for sol_idx, sol in enumerate(self.population):
                        # The "undefined" value means that the fitness of this solution must be calculated.
                        if type(pop_fitness[sol_idx]) is str:
                            if pop_fitness[sol_idx] == "undefined":
                        elif type(pop_fitness[sol_idx]) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                            # This is a multi-objective problem. The fitness is already calculated. Nothing to do.

                    # Check if batch processing is used. If not, then calculate the fitness value for individual solutions.
                    if self.fitness_batch_size in [1, None]:
                        for index, fitness in zip(solutions_to_submit_indices, executor.map(self.fitness_func, [self]*len(solutions_to_submit_indices), solutions_to_submit, solutions_to_submit_indices)):
                            if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                            elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value {fitness} of type {type(fitness)} found.")
                        # Reaching this block means that batch processing is used. The fitness values are calculated in batches.

                        # Number of batches.
                        num_batches = int(numpy.ceil(len(solutions_to_submit_indices) / self.fitness_batch_size))
                        # Each element of the `batches_solutions` list represents the solutions in one batch.
                        batches_solutions = []
                        # Each element of the `batches_indices` list represents the solutions' indices in one batch.
                        batches_indices = []
                        # For each batch, get its indices and call the fitness function.
                        for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
                            batch_first_index = batch_idx * self.fitness_batch_size
                            batch_last_index = (batch_idx + 1) * self.fitness_batch_size
                            batch_indices = solutions_to_submit_indices[batch_first_index:batch_last_index]
                            batch_solutions = self.population[batch_indices, :]


                        for batch_indices, batch_fitness in zip(batches_indices, executor.map(self.fitness_func, [self]*len(solutions_to_submit_indices), batches_solutions, batches_indices)):
                            if type(batch_fitness) not in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                raise TypeError(f"Expected to receive a list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray from the fitness function but the value ({batch_fitness}) of type {type(batch_fitness)}.")
                            elif len(numpy.array(batch_fitness)) != len(batch_indices):
                                raise ValueError(f"There is a mismatch between the number of solutions passed to the fitness function ({len(batch_indices)}) and the number of fitness values returned ({len(batch_fitness)}). They must match.")

                            for index, fitness in zip(batch_indices, batch_fitness):
                                if type(fitness) in GA.supported_int_float_types:
                                    # The fitness function returns a single numeric value.
                                    # This is a single-objective optimization problem.
                                    pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                elif type(fitness) in [list, tuple, numpy.ndarray]:
                                    # The fitness function returns a list/tuple/numpy.ndarray.
                                    # This is a multi-objective optimization problem.
                                    pop_fitness[index] = fitness
                                    raise ValueError(f"The fitness function should return a number or an iterable (list, tuple, or numpy.ndarray) but the value ({fitness}) of type {type(fitness)} found.")

            pop_fitness = numpy.array(pop_fitness)
        except Exception as ex:
        return pop_fitness

function_inputs = [4,-2,3.5,5,-11,-4.7]
desired_output = 44

def fitness_func(ga_instance, solution, solution_idx):
    output = numpy.sum(solution*function_inputs)
    solution_fitness = 1.0 / numpy.abs(output - desired_output)
    print('    ', ga_instance.generations_completed, solution_idx, solution_fitness, output, solution)    
    return solution_fitness

# Function called at the end of each generation
def callback_generation(ga_instance):
    # pop_fitness=ga_instance.last_generation_fitness
    solution, solution_fitness, solution_idx = ga_instance.best_solution(pop_fitness=ga_instance.last_generation_fitness)
    output = numpy.sum(solution*function_inputs)
    print('\n EOG', ga_instance.generations_completed, solution_idx, solution_fitness, output, solution)    

num_generations = 4
num_parents_mating = 4
sol_per_pop = 10
num_genes = len(function_inputs)
stop_criteria = "reach_10"

ga_instance = NewGA(num_generations=num_generations,

sunderved commented 5 months ago

That fixes the issues. Thanks a lot @ahmedfgad. I really appreciate your support and I do find Pygad really convenient to use.