ahmedkaludi / wp-multilang

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WP GraphQL support #44

Open EagleEyeElite opened 2 months ago

EagleEyeElite commented 2 months ago

Hey, I am currently building a website from scratch.

I am using WordPress as a CMS. And GraphQL as a glue between the frontend and the CMS.

I also wanna support multilingual. I don't like the Polylang Plugin.

Is there a way, to add GraphQL support for this plugin?

If you could give me some Ideas, to add some PHP functions myself, this would be helpful as well.

I like the work you are doing. Keep it up

Best Regards, Conrad

Sanjeevsetu commented 2 months ago

Hi @EagleEyeElite

Thank you so much for the appreciation.

We are also in hurry to add some great features. We currently do not have any support/compatibility with GraphQL. We will add it in coming updates.