ahmedkaludi / wp-multilang

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Call to undefined function #65

Closed MohammedAkramU7 closed 2 months ago

MohammedAkramU7 commented 2 months ago

Ref ticket: https://magazine3.in/conversation/266201?folder_id=21

Description:- undefined function in wp-multilang, here is the path: WPM\Includes\Integrations\is_product_category()

zentavr commented 2 months ago

Is it a workaround for that?

zentavr commented 2 months ago

Temporary removed the function is_product_category() invocation in 2 places:

./wp-content/plugins/wp-multilang/includes/integrations/class-wpm-yoast-seo.php:558:        }else if(is_archive() || is_product_category()){
./wp-content/plugins/wp-multilang/includes/integrations/class-wpm-yoast-seo.php:589:        }else if(is_archive() || is_product_category()){
Sanjeevsetu commented 2 months ago

it has been pushed in 2.4.7