ahmedmalaa / attentive-state-space-models

Code for the NeurIPS 2019 paper: "Attentive State-Space Modeling of Disease Progression", by A. M. Alaa and M. van der Schaar.
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Looking for the code of Attentive State-Space Modeling of Disease Progression #1

Open choczhang opened 4 years ago

choczhang commented 4 years ago

Hi Ahmed,

Sorry to bother you. I'm very interested in your works and they are very awesome. Is the code of Attentive State-Space Modeling of Disease Progression open-source now? I'm a little bit confused about the detail about the Attentive Inference Network. Thus, if I can have a glance at the code, I think I can make it.

Very kind of you,

Sincerely, Choc Zhang.

ae-tate commented 1 year ago

Hello Ahmed,

I'm in the same boat! Would you be willing to share your code?