ahmelsayed / AzureFunctions

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MDS Monitoring / Metrics for Function Invocations #35

Open mathewc opened 8 years ago

mathewc commented 8 years ago

See Bilal's request below. Since Functions also go through the SDK execution pipeline, if we build this into the SDK core we'll get for both. There is already an "MDS Bridge" in place (used by various site extensions e.g. Zumo) that allows them to emit traces that make it to MDS. We should be able to build on that.

One thing that I wanted to make sure was on the "must have" list for Azure functions.

We need to emit efficient metrics (efficient here means a system we can live with operationally in Azure, meaning using ETW/MDS with aggregates perhaps) to let us know how many function invocations have happened per customer.

Actually this is something I would love to have for the SDK as is. Just as we measure our hit count, we must start measuring the number of trigger invocations that happen with the SDK. Once this data is in place, Nitasha will report on it like any other metric for our service.

Thanks Bilal

davidebbo commented 8 years ago

Note that the 'bridge' is the old way of doing it. Now there is a more direct way of doing it. I don't know the details about setting it up, but we can figure it out.