ahmetgunduz / Real-time-GesRec

Real-time Hand Gesture Recognition with PyTorch on EgoGesture, NvGesture, Jester, Kinetics and UCF101
MIT License
619 stars 168 forks source link

bugs in egogesture_online.py line155,in make_dataset #106

Open cgz6498 opened 1 year ago

cgz6498 commented 1 year ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "online_test.py", line 197, in test_data = get_online_data( File "/home/server/egogesture/Real-time-GesRec/dataset.py", line 191, in get_online_data online_data = EgoGestureOnline( File "/home/server/egogesture/Real-time-GesRec/datasets/egogesture_online.py", line 208, in init self.data, self.class_names = make_dataset( File "/home/server/egogesture/Real-time-GesRec/datasets/egogesture_online.py", line 155, in make_dataset counts = np.bincount(labellist[np.array(list(range( - int(sampleduration / 8), )))]) IndexError: index 984 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 984