ahmmedrejowan / PdfReaderPro

PDF Viewer App for Android
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 0 forks source link

Feature Request Search for text within the pdf file #1

Open odmfl opened 1 month ago

odmfl commented 1 month ago

Fantastic app, I really like it. Thank's for your job

I'll leave you some pdfium/pdfviewer projects where text search has been implemented, maybe you could add this functionality too.

https://github.com/Lesmm/AndroidPdfViewer/tree/develop ( in this branch search and selection works)

https://gitlab.com/mudlej_android/mj_pdf_reader (in this app the search and text section works, changes have been made to pdfium and pdfviewer)

https://github.com/TEA-ebook/AndroidPdfViewer (search, selection and highlighting should work here, this fork has many functions, I haven't tested it but maybe it's the best)

ahmmedrejowan commented 1 month ago

I'm happy you liked it. I'll take look at the repos you mentioned. As soon as I can confirm it's working properly, I will update it ASAP. Thanks man.