ahmubashshir / pkgbuilds

PKGBUILDs maintained by me
The Unlicense
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lib32-gst-bad-ugly #14

Closed gulafaran closed 3 months ago

gulafaran commented 4 months ago

after 1.24.0-1 change it wont build anymore

==> Starting prepare()... Applied patch to 'meson.build' with conflicts. Applied patch to 'meson_options.txt' cleanly. Applied patch to 'meson.build' with conflicts. U meson.build U meson.build ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare(). Aborting... -> error making: lib32-gst-bad-ugly-exit status 4 -> Failed to install the following packages. Manual intervention is required:

ahmubashshir commented 4 months ago


Can you again with this patch? if this patch fixes the issue, I'll push it.

gulafaran commented 4 months ago

it got it closer

Applied patch to 'meson.build' cleanly. Applied patch to 'meson_options.txt' cleanly. Applied patch to 'subprojects/gst-editing-services/meson.build' with conflicts. Applied patch to 'subprojects/gst-plugins-good/tests/check/elements/flvmux.c' cleanly. Applied patch to 'subprojects/gst-python/meson.build' cleanly. Applied patch to 'subprojects/gst-rtsp-server/tests/check/meson.build' cleanly. Applied patch to 'subprojects/gstreamer-vaapi/meson.build' cleanly. U subprojects/gst-editing-services/meson.build

some conflict in gst-editing-service

gulafaran commented 4 months ago

which seems to be the hack to disable broken tests, disabling that patch im then hitting some build options that has also changed.

gstreamer/meson.build:1:0: ERROR: Unknown options: "omx"

commenting out -D omx=disabled im hitting

gstreamer/subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst-libs/gst/webrtc/nice/meson.build:16:14: ERROR: Subproject "subprojects/libnice" required but not found.

gulafaran commented 4 months ago

installing lib32-libnice solved that, and then im hitting gst-plugins-bad| Run-time dependency ltc found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake) gst-plugins-bad| Run-time dependency libajantv2 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)

so added like arch gst-plugins-bad -D gst-plugins-bad:aja=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:mfx_api=oneVPL -D gst-plugins-bad:qt6d3d11=disabled

got me past that, then i had to install lib32-svt-av1 because gst-plugins-bad| Run-time dependency svtav1enc found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)

i also had to -D gst-plugins-bad:lc3=disabled because no lib32

in short i landed on these changes in the PKGBUILD until it built

diff --git a/PKGBUILD b/PKGBUILD
index 12a693d..d533767 100644
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ prepare() {
    git apply -3 ../0001-Allow-disabling-gstreamer.patch

    # Disable broken tests
-   git apply -3 ../0002-HACK-meson-Disable-broken-tests.patch
+   #git apply -3 ../0002-HACK-meson-Disable-broken-tests.patch

 _fix_pkgconf() {
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ build() {
        -D gst-examples=disabled
        -D introspection=disabled
        -D libnice=disabled
-       -D omx=disabled
+       #-D omx=disabled
+       -D libnice=disabled
        -D orc-source=system
        -D package-origin="https://www.archlinux.org/"

@@ -203,6 +204,10 @@ build() {
        -D gst-plugins-bad:msdk=disabled # due to no msdk (32-bit) support
        -D gst-plugins-bad:qsv=disabled # due to no x86 support
        -D gst-plugins-bad:ldac=disabled # due to no lib32-libdac support
+       -D gst-plugins-bad:aja=disabled
+       -D gst-plugins-bad:mfx_api=oneVPL
+       -D gst-plugins-bad:qt6d3d11=disabled
        -D gst-plugins-bad:microdns=disabled # due to no lib32-microdns support
        -D gst-plugins-bad:openaptx=disabled # due to no lib32-Xaptx support
        -D gst-plugins-bad:openexr=disabled # due to no lib32-openexr support
@@ -211,6 +216,7 @@ build() {
        -D gst-plugins-bad:svthevcenc=disabled # due to no lib32-svthevcenc support
    #   -D gst-plugins-bad:svtav1=disabled # due to no lib32-svt-av1
        -D gst-plugins-bad:wpe=disabled # due to no lib32-wpe support
+       -D gst-plugins-bad:lc3=disabled
        -D gst-plugins-bad:zxing=disabled # due to no lib32-zxing support
        -D gst-plugins-bad:amfcodec=disabled # only support windows
        -D gst-plugins-ugly:sidplay=disabled
@@ -276,7 +282,7 @@ package_lib32-gst-plugins-bad-libs() {
    closedcaption colormanagement
    curl dash dc1394 de265 dtls dtsdec
    faac faad fdkaac fluidsynthmidi
-   gme hls kate ladspa lv2 modplug
+   gme hls ladspa lv2 modplug
    musepack neonhttpsrc
    openal opusparse resindvd
    rsvg rtmp sbc sctp smoothstreaming

with the installed lib32-libnice and lib32-svt-av1

ahmubashshir commented 4 months ago

they added new things... lemme check the upstream lib32-gst pkgbuild...

Kellenok commented 3 months ago

any news?

ahmubashshir commented 3 months ago

Can't seem to remove libnice dep completely... testing things again... I'll try to push today...

ahmubashshir commented 3 months ago

Finally managed to drop webrtc completely (dropping libnice requirement in the process)

Kellenok commented 2 months ago

help build this pls.

==> Making package: lib32-gst-bad-ugly 1.24.0-2 (Sat Apr 27 17:05:56 2024)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Updating gstreamer git repo...
remote: Enumerating objects: 27, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (24/24), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
remote: Total 13 (delta 11), reused 8 (delta 7), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (13/13), 1.33 KiB | 1.33 MiB/s, done.
From https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gstreamer
 + 6b0b85769e...1cb65cb4e5 refs/merge-requests/6286/merge -> refs/merge-requests/6286/merge  (forced update)
  -> Found 0001-Allow-disabling-gstreamer.patch
  -> Found 0002-HACK-meson-Disable-broken-tests.patch
==> Validating source files with sha256sums...
    gstreamer ... Skipped
    0001-Allow-disabling-gstreamer.patch ... Passed
    0002-HACK-meson-Disable-broken-tests.patch ... Passed
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Creating working copy of gstreamer git repo...
Reset branch 'makepkg'
==> Starting prepare()...
Applied patch to 'meson.build' cleanly.
Applied patch to 'meson_options.txt' cleanly.
Applied patch to 'subprojects/gst-editing-services/meson.build' cleanly.
Applied patch to 'subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/tests/check/elements/dash_mpd.c' cleanly.
Applied patch to 'subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/tests/check/meson.build' cleanly.
Applied patch to 'subprojects/gst-plugins-good/tests/check/elements/flvmux.c' cleanly.
Applied patch to 'subprojects/gst-python/meson.build' cleanly.
Applied patch to 'subprojects/gst-rtsp-server/tests/check/meson.build' cleanly.
Applied patch to 'subprojects/gstreamer-vaapi/meson.build' cleanly.
==> Starting pkgver()...
==> Removing existing $pkgdir/ directory...
==> Starting build()...
+ exec meson setup --prefix /usr --libexecdir lib --sbindir bin --buildtype plain --auto-features enabled --wrap-mode nodownload -D b_pie=true -D python.bytecompile=1 gstreamer build --libdir=lib32 --libexecdir=lib32 -D devtools=disabled -D doc=disabled -D examples=disabled -D gobject-cast-checks=disabled -D ges=disabled -D gpl=enabled -D gst-examples=disabled -D introspection=disabled -D qt6=disabled -D webrtc=disabled -D libnice=disabled -D orc-source=system -D package-origin=https://www.archlinux.org/ -D 'gst-plugins-bad:package-name=Arch Linux lib32-gst-plugins-bad 1.24.0-2' -D 'gst-plugins-ugly:package-name=Arch Linux lib32-gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.0-2' -D 'gst-libav:package-name=Arch Linux lib32-gst-libav 1.24.0-2' -D python=disabled -D qt5=disabled -D rs=disabled -D rtsp_server=disabled -D sharp=disabled -D vaapi=disabled -D base=disabled -D good=disabled -D gstreamer=disabled -D libav=enabled -D ugly=enabled -D bad=enabled -D gst-plugins-bad:mfx_api=oneVPL -D gst-plugins-bad:directfb=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:directshow=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:directsound=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:flite=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:gs=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:iqa=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:isac=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:magicleap=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:onnx=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:openh264=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:openni2=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:opensles=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:tinyalsa=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:voaacenc=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:voamrwbenc=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:wasapi2=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:wasapi=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:openjpeg=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:chromaprint=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:gsm=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:spandsp=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:mpeg2enc=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:zbar=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:mplex=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:webrtc=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:webrtcdsp=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:aja=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:qt6d3d11=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:opencv=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:msdk=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:qsv=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:ldac=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:microdns=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:openaptx=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:openexr=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:openmpt=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:qroverlay=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:svthevcenc=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:svtav1=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:wpe=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:lc3=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:va=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:zxing=disabled -D gst-plugins-bad:amfcodec=disabled -D gst-plugins-ugly:sidplay=disabled
Directory already configured.

Just run your build command (e.g. ninja) and Meson will regenerate as necessary.
Run "meson setup --reconfigure to force Meson to regenerate.

If build failures persist, run "meson setup --wipe" to rebuild from scratch
using the same options as passed when configuring the build.
INFO: autodetecting backend as ninja
INFO: calculating backend command to run: /usr/bin/ninja -C /home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/build
ninja: Entering directory `/home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/build'
[0/1] Regenerating build files.
The Meson build system
Version: 1.4.0
Source dir: /home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/gstreamer
Build dir: /home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/build
Build type: native build
Project name: gstreamer-full
Project version: 1.24.0
C compiler for the host machine: gcc -m32 (gcc 13.2.1 "gcc (GCC) 13.2.1 20240417")
C linker for the host machine: gcc -m32 ld.bfd 2.42.0
Host machine cpu family: x86
Host machine cpu: i686
Program python3 found: YES (/usr/bin/python)
Program gitlint found: NO
Message: gitlint not found or too old, please install it with your package manager or `python3 -m pip install gitlint` to enable the commit message hook
Dependency orc-0.4 found: YES 0.4.38 (cached)
Subproject gstreamer : skipped: feature gstreamer disabled
Subproject gst-plugins-base : skipped: feature base disabled
Subproject gst-plugins-good : skipped: feature good disabled
Subproject libnice : skipped: feature libnice disabled

Executing subproject gst-plugins-bad

gst-plugins-bad| Project name: gst-plugins-bad
gst-plugins-bad| Project version: 1.24.0
gst-plugins-bad| C compiler for the host machine: gcc -m32 (gcc 13.2.1 "gcc (GCC) 13.2.1 20240417")
gst-plugins-bad| C linker for the host machine: gcc -m32 ld.bfd 2.42.0
gst-plugins-bad| C++ compiler for the host machine: g++ -m32 (gcc 13.2.1 "g++ (GCC) 13.2.1 20240417")
gst-plugins-bad| C++ linker for the host machine: g++ -m32 ld.bfd 2.42.0
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wno-non-virtual-dtor: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports link arguments -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports link arguments -Wl,-z,nodelete: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports link arguments -Wl,-z,nodelete: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -fvisibility=hidden: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -fno-strict-aliasing: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -fno-strict-aliasing: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Message: Disabling GLib cast checks
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "dlfcn.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "fcntl.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "inttypes.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "memory.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "netinet/in.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "netinet/ip.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "netinet/tcp.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "pthread.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "stdint.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "stdlib.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "strings.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "string.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "sys/param.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "sys/socket.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "sys/stat.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "sys/time.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "sys/types.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "sys/utsname.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "unistd.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "windows.h" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "winsock2.h" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "ws2tcpip.h" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for function "dcgettext" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for function "getpagesize" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for function "gmtime_r" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for function "memfd_create" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for function "mmap" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for function "pipe2" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for function "getrusage" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for size of "char" : 1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for size of "int" : 4 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for size of "long" : 4 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for size of "short" : 2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for size of "void*" : 4 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-prototypes: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wold-style-definition: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wformat-nonliteral: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-declarations: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wmissing-declarations: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wredundant-decls: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wredundant-decls: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wwrite-strings: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wwrite-strings: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wformat: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wformat: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wformat-security: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wformat-security: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Winit-self: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Winit-self: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-include-dirs: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wmissing-include-dirs: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Waddress: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Waddress: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-multichar: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wno-multichar: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wvla: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wvla: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wpointer-arith: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wpointer-arith: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-base-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-net-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-controller-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-pbutils-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-allocators-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-app-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-audio-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-fft-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-riff-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-rtp-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-rtsp-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-sdp-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-tag-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-video-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-check-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-gl-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-gl-prototypes-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Message: GStreamer OpenGL window systems: egl surfaceless wayland x11 gbm
gst-plugins-bad| Message: GStreamer OpenGL platforms: egl glx
gst-plugins-bad| Message: GStreamer OpenGL apis: gles2 gl
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-gl-x11-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-gl-wayland-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-gl-egl-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Library m found: YES
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gio-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gmodule-no-export-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency x11 found: YES 1.8.7 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency orc-0.4 found: YES 0.4.38 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program orcc found: YES (/usr/local/bin/orcc)
gst-plugins-bad| Header "gst/gstconfig.h" has symbol "GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG" with dependency gstreamer-1.0: NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Message: GStreamer debug system is enabled
gst-plugins-bad| Program python3 found: YES (/usr/bin/python)
gst-plugins-bad| Program g-ir-scanner skipped: feature introspection disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Found pkg-config: YES (/usr/bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu-pkg-config) 2.1.1
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency vulkan found: YES 1.3.279 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "vulkan/vulkan_core.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency xcb found: YES 1.16.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency xkbcommon found: YES 1.7.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency xkbcommon-x11 found: YES 1.7.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "vulkan/vulkan_xcb.h" with dependency vulkan: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency wayland-client found: YES 1.22.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency wayland-protocols found: YES 1.35 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program wayland-scanner found: YES (/usr/bin/wayland-scanner)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "vulkan/vulkan_wayland.h" with dependency vulkan: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program glslc found: YES (/usr/bin/glslc)
gst-plugins-bad| Configuring gstvkconfig.h using configuration
gst-plugins-bad| Program glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Program vulkan_mkenum.py found: YES (/usr/bin/python /home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/gstreamer/subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst-libs/gst/vulkan/vulkan_mkenum.py)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency wayland-client found: YES 1.22.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libdrm found: YES 2.4.120 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency wayland-protocols found: YES 1.35 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program wayland-scanner found: YES (/usr/bin/wayland-scanner)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency nice skipped: feature webrtc disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-unknown-pragmas: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Found CMake: /usr/bin/cmake (3.29.2)
gst-plugins-bad| Run-time dependency ltc found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-allocators-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gio-unix-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency bluez found: YES 5.71 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gio-unix-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gio-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/gdbus-codegen found: YES (/usr/bin/gdbus-codegen)
gst-plugins-bad| Library dl found: YES
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Message: Building decklink plugin
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "linux/fb.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libdrm found: YES 2.4.120 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libdrm found: YES 2.4.120 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Library m found: YES
gst-plugins-bad| Library ml_audio skipped: feature magicleap disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Library lumin_rt_core_1_7 skipped: feature magicleap disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Library lumin_rt_app_1_7 skipped: feature magicleap disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "nvbufsurface.h" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/sources/includes/nvbufsurface.h" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gio-unix-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-deprecated-declarations: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Library rt found: YES
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "sys/socket.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gudev-1.0 found: YES 238 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libusb-1.0 found: YES 1.0.27 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "linux/uvcvideo.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gudev-1.0 found: YES 238 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "linux/videodev2.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Header "sys/mkdev.h" has symbol "makedev" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Header "sys/sysmacros.h" has symbol "makedev" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Header "sys/types.h" has symbol "makedev" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gudev-1.0 found: YES 238 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "linux/videodev2.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Header "sys/mkdev.h" has symbol "makedev" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Header "sys/sysmacros.h" has symbol "makedev" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Header "sys/types.h" has symbol "makedev" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency openssl found: YES 3.2.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency pangocairo found: YES 1.52.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libass found: YES 0.17.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency aom found: YES 3.6.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency aom found: YES 3.6.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency aom found: YES 3.6.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for type "struct sock_txtime" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency avtp found: YES 0.2.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libbs2b found: YES 3.1.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Library bz2 found: YES
gst-plugins-bad| Header "bzlib.h" has symbol "BZ2_bzlibVersion" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libchromaprint skipped: feature chromaprint disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency pangocairo found: YES 1.52.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency json-glib-1.0 found: YES 1.8.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency lcms2 found: YES 2.16 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libcurl found: YES 8.7.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libssh2 found: YES 1.11.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libxml-2.0 found: YES 2.12.6 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libdc1394-2 found: YES 2.2.7 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency directfb skipped: feature directfb disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency openssl found: YES 3.2.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libcrypto found: YES 3.2.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libdca found: YES 0.0.7 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Library faac found: YES
gst-plugins-bad| Header "faac.h" has symbol "faacEncOpen" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Header "neaacdec.h" has symbol "NeAACDecOpen" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Header "neaacdec.h" has symbol "LATM" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Library faad found: YES
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency fdk-aac found: YES 2.0.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency fluidsynth found: YES 2.3.5 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "gme/gme.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Library gme found: YES
gst-plugins-bad| Checking for function "gme_enable_accuracy" with dependency -lgme: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency google_cloud_cpp_storage skipped: feature gs disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gtk+-3.0 found: YES 3.24.41 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gtk+-wayland-3.0 found: YES 3.24.41 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency nettle found: YES 3.9.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency dssim skipped: feature iqa disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency webrtc-audio-coding-1 skipped: feature isac disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "ladspa.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency lrdf found: YES 0.5.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency lc3 skipped: feature lc3 disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency ldacBT-enc skipped: feature ldac disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libde265 found: YES 1.0.11 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency lilv-0 found: YES 0.24.20 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency microdns skipped: feature microdns disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libmodplug found: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency mjpegtools skipped: feature mpeg2enc disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Library mpeg2encpp skipped: feature mpeg2enc disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency mjpegtools skipped: feature mplex disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Library mplex2 skipped: feature mplex disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Library mpcdec found: YES
gst-plugins-bad| Header "mpc/mpcdec.h" has symbol "mpc_demux_init" with dependency -lmpcdec: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency neon found: YES 0.32.5 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency openal found: YES 1.23.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency OpenEXR (modules: OpenEXR::IlmImf) skipped: feature openexr disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency openh264 skipped: feature openh264 disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libopenjp2 skipped: feature openjpeg disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libopenmpt skipped: feature openmpt disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for language cpp skipped: feature openni2 disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency opus found: YES 1.5.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libqrencode skipped: feature qroverlay disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency dvdnav found: YES 6.1.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency dvdread found: YES 6.1.3 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency librsvg-2.0 found: YES 2.58.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency librtmp found: YES v2.4 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency sbc found: YES 2.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Message: Using internal libusrsctp
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wfloat-equal: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wshadow: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wpointer-arith: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Winit-self: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-unused-function: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-unused-parameter: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-unreachable-code: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wstrict-prototypes: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-missing-prototypes: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types-discards-qualifiers: NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-address-of-packed-member: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-discarded-qualifiers: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-missing-declarations: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-old-style-definition: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-redundant-decls: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "sys/queue.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "sys/socket.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "linux/if_addr.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "linux/rtnetlink.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "sys/types.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "netinet/in.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "netinet/ip.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "netinet/ip_icmp.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Has header "stdatomic.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking whether type "struct sockaddr" has member "sa_len" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking whether type "struct sockaddr_in" has member "sin_len" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking whether type "struct sockaddr_in6" has member "sin6_len" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Checking whether type "struct sockaddr_conn" has member "sconn_len" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libxml-2.0 found: YES 2.12.6 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency sndfile found: YES 1.2.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency soundtouch found: YES 2.3.3 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency spandsp skipped: feature spandsp disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency srt found: YES 1.5.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libsrtp2 found: YES 2.5.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency SvtAv1Enc skipped: feature svtav1 disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency SvtHevcEnc skipped: feature svthevcenc disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency zvbi-0.2 found: YES 0.2.42 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libxml-2.0 found: YES 2.12.6 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency pango found: YES 1.52.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency cairo found: YES 1.18.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency pangocairo found: YES 1.52.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency vo-aacenc skipped: feature voaacenc disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency vo-amrwbenc skipped: feature voamrwbenc disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Program bin2array.py found: YES (/home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/gstreamer/subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/ext/vulkan/shaders/bin2array.py)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/bin/glib-mkenums found: YES (/usr/bin/glib-mkenums)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency webrtc-audio-processing-1 skipped: feature webrtcdsp disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libwebp found: YES 1.4.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libwebpmux found: YES 1.4.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency WildMIDI found: YES 0.4.5 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency x265 found: YES 3.5 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency zxing skipped: feature zxing disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency zbar skipped: feature zbar disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Run-time dependency libexif found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
gst-plugins-bad| Run-time dependency libsoup-2.4 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
gst-plugins-bad| Looking for a fallback subproject for the dependency libsoup-2.4
gst-plugins-bad| Automatic wrap-based subproject downloading is disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Subproject  libsoup is buildable: NO (disabling)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency libsoup-2.4 from subproject libsoup found: NO (subproject failed to configure)
gst-plugins-bad| Header "faac.h" has symbol "faacEncOpen" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Dependency gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-bad| Library orc-test-0.4 found: YES
gst-plugins-bad| Program gst-tester-1.0 found: YES (/usr/local/bin/gst-tester-1.0)
gst-plugins-bad| Program scripts/update-orc-dist-files.py found: YES (/home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/gstreamer/subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/scripts/update-orc-dist-files.py)
gst-plugins-bad| Program xgettext found: YES (/usr/bin/xgettext)
gst-plugins-bad| Program msgfmt found: YES (/usr/bin/msgfmt)
gst-plugins-bad| Program msginit found: YES (/usr/bin/msginit)
gst-plugins-bad| Program msgmerge found: YES (/usr/bin/msgmerge)
gst-plugins-bad| Program xgettext found: YES (/usr/bin/xgettext)
gst-plugins-bad| Program scripts/extract-release-date-from-doap-file.py found: YES (/home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/gstreamer/subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/scripts/extract-release-date-from-doap-file.py)
gst-plugins-bad| Message: Package release date: 2024-03-04
gst-plugins-bad| Configuring config.h using configuration
gst-plugins-bad| Message: Introspection not built, won't build documentation requiring it
gst-plugins-bad| Program /usr/lib32/gstreamer-1.0/gst-plugins-doc-cache-generator found: NO
gst-plugins-bad| ../gstreamer/subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/docs/meson.build:50: WARNING: GStreamer plugin inspector for documentation not found, can't update the cache
gst-plugins-bad| Program hotdoc skipped: feature doc disabled
gst-plugins-bad| Message: Hotdoc not found, not building the documentation
gst-plugins-bad| Build targets in project: 380
gst-plugins-bad| Subproject gst-plugins-bad finished.

Executing subproject gst-plugins-ugly

gst-plugins-ugly| Project name: gst-plugins-ugly
gst-plugins-ugly| Project version: 1.24.0
gst-plugins-ugly| C compiler for the host machine: gcc -m32 (gcc 13.2.1 "gcc (GCC) 13.2.1 20240417")
gst-plugins-ugly| C linker for the host machine: gcc -m32 ld.bfd 2.42.0
gst-plugins-ugly| C++ compiler for the host machine: g++ -m32 (gcc 13.2.1 "g++ (GCC) 13.2.1 20240417")
gst-plugins-ugly| C++ linker for the host machine: g++ -m32 ld.bfd 2.42.0
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports link arguments -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports link arguments -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports link arguments -Wl,-z,nodelete: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports link arguments -Wl,-z,nodelete: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "dlfcn.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "inttypes.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "malloc.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "memory.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "stdint.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "stdlib.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "strings.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "string.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "sys/stat.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "sys/types.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "unistd.h" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Has header "winsock2.h" : NO (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Checking for function "dcgettext" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Checking for size of "char" : 1 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Checking for size of "int" : 4 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Checking for size of "long" : 4 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Checking for size of "short" : 2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Checking for size of "void*" : 4 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-app-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-video-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-pbutils-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-tag-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-fft-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-audio-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-base-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-riff-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-rtp-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-net-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-sdp-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-rtsp-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-check-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-controller-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency orc-0.4 found: YES 0.4.38 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gmodule-no-export-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Header "gst/gstconfig.h" has symbol "GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG" with dependency gstreamer-1.0: NO (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Message: GStreamer debug system is enabled
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-declarations: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wmissing-declarations: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wredundant-decls: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wredundant-decls: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wwrite-strings: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wwrite-strings: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wformat: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wformat: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wformat-nonliteral: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wformat-nonliteral: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wformat-security: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wformat-security: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Winit-self: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Winit-self: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-include-dirs: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wmissing-include-dirs: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Waddress: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Waddress: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-multichar: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wno-multichar: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wvla: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wvla: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wpointer-arith: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wpointer-arith: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Waggregate-return: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Waggregate-return: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -fno-strict-aliasing: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -fno-strict-aliasing: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -fvisibility=hidden: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -fvisibility=hidden: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-prototypes: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wold-style-definition: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wnested-externs: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Message: Disabling GLib cast checks
gst-plugins-ugly| Program python3 found: YES (/usr/bin/python)
gst-plugins-ugly| Library a52 found: YES
gst-plugins-ugly| Header "a52dec/a52.h" has symbol "a52_init" : YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency libcdio found: YES 2.1.0 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency dvdread found: YES 6.1.3 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency libmpeg2 found: YES 0.5.1 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for language cpp skipped: feature sidplay disabled
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency x264 found: YES 0.164.3108 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Dependency gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Library m found: YES
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-missing-prototypes: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-missing-declarations: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-old-style-definition: YES (cached)
gst-plugins-ugly| Program xgettext found: YES (/usr/bin/xgettext)
gst-plugins-ugly| Program /usr/lib32/gstreamer-1.0/gst-plugins-doc-cache-generator found: NO
gst-plugins-ugly| ../gstreamer/subprojects/gst-plugins-ugly/docs/meson.build:41: WARNING: GStreamer plugin inspector for documentation not found, can't update the cache
gst-plugins-ugly| Program hotdoc skipped: feature doc disabled
gst-plugins-ugly| Message: Hotdoc not found, not building the documentation
gst-plugins-ugly| Program scripts/extract-release-date-from-doap-file.py found: YES (/home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/gstreamer/subprojects/gst-plugins-ugly/scripts/extract-release-date-from-doap-file.py)
gst-plugins-ugly| Message: Package release date: 2024-03-04
gst-plugins-ugly| Configuring config.h using configuration
gst-plugins-ugly| Build targets in project: 440
gst-plugins-ugly| Subproject gst-plugins-ugly finished.

Executing subproject gst-libav

gst-libav| Project name: gst-libav
gst-libav| Project version: 1.24.0
gst-libav| C compiler for the host machine: gcc -m32 (gcc 13.2.1 "gcc (GCC) 13.2.1 20240417")
gst-libav| C linker for the host machine: gcc -m32 ld.bfd 2.42.0
gst-libav| Dependency libavfilter found: YES 9.12.100 (cached)
gst-libav| Dependency libavformat found: YES 60.16.100 (cached)
gst-libav| Dependency libavcodec found: YES 60.31.102 (cached)
gst-libav| Dependency libavutil found: YES 58.29.100 (cached)
gst-libav| Checking if "libav is provided by FFmpeg" with dependencies libavfilter, libavformat, libavcodec, libavutil compiles: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Has header "unistd.h" : YES (cached)
gst-libav| Dependency gstreamer-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-libav| Dependency gstreamer-base-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-libav| Dependency gstreamer-check-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-libav| Dependency gstreamer-video-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-libav| Dependency gstreamer-audio-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-libav| Dependency gstreamer-pbutils-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-libav| Library m found: YES
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports link arguments -Wl,-z,nodelete: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -fvisibility=hidden: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports link arguments -Wl,--exclude-libs=ALL: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -fno-strict-aliasing: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Header "gst/gstconfig.h" has symbol "GST_DISABLE_GST_DEBUG" with dependency gstreamer-1.0: NO (cached)
gst-libav| Message: GStreamer debug system is enabled
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-declarations: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-prototypes: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wold-style-definition: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wredundant-decls: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wundef: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wwrite-strings: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wformat: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wformat-nonliteral: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wformat-security: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Winit-self: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-include-dirs: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Waddress: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-multichar: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Waggregate-return: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wvla: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wpointer-arith: YES (cached)
gst-libav| Program /usr/lib32/gstreamer-1.0/gst-plugins-doc-cache-generator found: NO
gst-libav| ../gstreamer/subprojects/gst-libav/docs/meson.build:39: WARNING: GStreamer plugin inspector for documentation not found, can't update the cache
gst-libav| Program hotdoc skipped: feature doc disabled
gst-libav| Message: Hotdoc not found, not building the documentation
gst-libav| Dependency gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0 found: YES 1.24.2 (cached)
gst-libav| Program scripts/extract-release-date-from-doap-file.py found: YES (/home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/gstreamer/subprojects/gst-libav/scripts/extract-release-date-from-doap-file.py)
gst-libav| Message: Package release date: 2024-03-04
gst-libav| Configuring config.h using configuration
gst-libav| Build targets in project: 447
gst-libav| Subproject gst-libav finished.

Subproject gst-rtsp-server : skipped: feature rtsp_server disabled
Subproject gst-devtools : skipped: feature devtools disabled
Subproject gst-integration-testsuites : skipped: feature devtools disabled
Subproject gst-editing-services : skipped: feature ges disabled
Subproject gstreamer-vaapi : skipped: feature vaapi disabled
Subproject gstreamer-sharp : skipped: feature sharp disabled
Dependency pygobject-3.0 skipped: feature python disabled
Subproject gst-python : skipped: feature python disabled
Subproject gst-examples : skipped: feature gst-examples disabled
Subproject gst-plugins-rs : skipped: feature rs disabled
Dependency glib-2.0 found: YES 2.80.0 (cached)
Program scripts/update-girs.py found: YES (/home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/gstreamer/scripts/update-girs.py)
Program hotdoc skipped: feature doc disabled
Message: Not building documentation as hotdoc was not found
Configuring GstDocumentedSubprojects with command
Program scripts/generate_plugins_path.py found: YES (/usr/bin/python /home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/gstreamer/scripts/generate_plugins_path.py)
Configuring GstPluginsPath.json with command
Message: Building subprojects: gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, gst-libav
Program gst-env.py found: YES (/home/kellen/.cache/yay/lib32-gst-bad-ugly/src/gstreamer/gst-env.py)
Run-time dependency gstreamer-full-1.0 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
Program g-ir-scanner skipped: feature introspection disabled
Message: Not running python devenv tests: gst_python: false gir: false
Message: No kernel image path specified, skipping virtme tests
Program dotnet-format found: NO
Build targets in project: 450

gst-plugins-bad 1.24.0

    Plugins               : accurip, adpcmdec, adpcmenc, aiff, asfmux, audiobuffersplit,
                            audiofxbad, audiomixmatrix, audiolatency, audiovisualizers,
                            autoconvert, bayer, camerabin, codecalpha, codectimestamper,
                            coloreffects, debugutilsbad, dvbsubenc, dvbsuboverlay, dvdspu,
                            faceoverlay, festival, fieldanalysis, freeverb, frei0r, gaudieffects,
                            gdp, geometrictransform, id3tag, insertbin, inter, interlace, ivfparse,
                            ivtc, jp2kdecimator, jpegformat, rfbsrc, midi, mpegpsdemux, mpegpsmux,
                            mpegtsdemux, mpegtsmux, mse, mxf, netsim, rtponvif, pcapparse, pnm,
                            proxy, legacyrawparse, removesilence, rist, rtmp2, rtpmanagerbad,
                            sdpelem, segmentclip, siren, smooth, speed, subenc, switchbin,
                            timecode, transcode, unixfd, videofiltersbad, videoframe_audiolevel,
                            videoparsersbad, videosignal, vmnc, y4mdec, bluez, decklink, dvb,
                            fbdevsink, ipcpipeline, kms, nvcodec, shm, uvch264, v4l2codecs,
                            uvcgadget, aes, analyticsoverlay, assrender, aom, avtp, bs2b, bz2,
                            closedcaption, codec2json, colormanagement, curl, dash, dc1394, dtls,
                            dtsdec, faac, faad, fdkaac, fluidsynthmidi, gme, gtkwayland, hls,
                            ladspa, de265, lv2, modplug, musepack, neonhttpsrc, openal, opusparse,
                            resindvd, rsvg, rtmp, sbc, sctp, smoothstreaming, sndfile, soundtouch,
                            srt, srtp, teletext, ttmlsubs, vulkan, waylandsink, webp, wildmidi,
    (A)GPL license allowed: true

gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.0

    Plugins               : asf, dvdlpcmdec, dvdsub, realmedia, a52dec, cdio, dvdread, mpeg2dec,
    (A)GPL license allowed: true

gstreamer-full 1.24.0

  Build options
    gstreamer-full library       : NO
    gstreamer-full target type   : shared_library
    Tools                        : gst-transcoder
    Helpers                      :
    Libraries                    : gstreamer-analytics-1.0
    Tests and examples disabled  : NO

    gst-devtools                 : NO Feature 'devtools' disabled
    gst-editing-services         : NO Feature 'ges' disabled
    gst-examples                 : NO Feature 'gst-examples' disabled
    gst-integration-testsuites   : NO Feature 'devtools' disabled
    gst-libav                    : YES 1 warnings
    gst-plugins-bad              : YES 1 warnings
    gst-plugins-base             : NO Feature 'base' disabled
    gst-plugins-good             : NO Feature 'good' disabled
    gst-plugins-rs               : NO Feature 'rs' disabled
    gst-plugins-ugly             : YES 1 warnings
    gst-python                   : NO Feature 'python' disabled
    gst-rtsp-server              : NO Feature 'rtsp_server' disabled
    gstreamer                    : NO Feature 'gstreamer' disabled
    gstreamer-sharp              : NO Feature 'sharp' disabled
    gstreamer-vaapi              : NO Feature 'vaapi' disabled
    libnice                      : NO Feature 'libnice' disabled
    libsoup                      : NO Automatic wrap-based subproject downloading is disabled

  User defined options
    auto_features                : enabled
    buildtype                    : plain
    libdir                       : lib32
    libexecdir                   : lib32
    prefix                       : /usr
    sbindir                      : bin
    wrap_mode                    : nodownload
    python.bytecompile           : 1
    b_pie                        : true
    bad                          : enabled
    base                         : disabled
    devtools                     : disabled
    doc                          : disabled
    examples                     : disabled
    ges                          : disabled
    gobject-cast-checks          : disabled
    good                         : disabled
    gpl                          : enabled
    gst-examples                 : disabled
    gstreamer                    : disabled
    introspection                : disabled
    libav                        : enabled
    libnice                      : disabled
    orc-source                   : system
    package-origin               : https://www.archlinux.org/
    python                       : disabled
    qt5                          : disabled
    qt6                          : disabled
    rs                           : disabled
    rtsp_server                  : disabled
    sharp                        : disabled
    ugly                         : enabled
    vaapi                        : disabled
    webrtc                       : disabled
    gst-libav:package-name       : Arch Linux lib32-gst-libav 1.24.0-2
    gst-plugins-bad:aja          : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:amfcodec     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:chromaprint  : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:directfb     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:directshow   : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:directsound  : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:flite        : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:gs           : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:gsm          : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:iqa          : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:isac         : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:lc3          : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:ldac         : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:magicleap    : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:mfx_api      : oneVPL
    gst-plugins-bad:microdns     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:mpeg2enc     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:mplex        : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:msdk         : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:onnx         : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:openaptx     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:opencv       : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:openexr      : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:openh264     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:openjpeg     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:openmpt      : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:openni2      : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:opensles     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:package-name : Arch Linux lib32-gst-plugins-bad 1.24.0-2
    gst-plugins-bad:qroverlay    : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:qsv          : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:qt6d3d11     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:spandsp      : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:svtav1       : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:svthevcenc   : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:tinyalsa     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:va           : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:voaacenc     : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:voamrwbenc   : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:wasapi       : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:wasapi2      : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:webrtc       : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:webrtcdsp    : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:wpe          : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:zbar         : disabled
    gst-plugins-bad:zxing        : disabled
    gst-plugins-ugly:package-name: Arch Linux lib32-gst-plugins-ugly 1.24.0-2
    gst-plugins-ugly:sidplay     : disabled

Found ninja-1.11.1 at /usr/bin/ninja
Cleaning... 0 files.
[1/1144] Generating subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst/bayer/gstbayerorc.h with a custom command
FAILED: subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst/bayer/gstbayerorc.h
/usr/local/bin/orcc --include glib.h --header -o subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst/bayer/gstbayerorc.h ../gstreamer/subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst/bayer/gstbayerorc.orc
WARNING: unexpected liborc library version 0.4.38 is being picked up by /usr/local/bin/orcc, which is version 0.4.37. This might be because orc was installed from source and is also installed via packages, and liborc from the wrong prefix is used. Check your system setup.
[2/1144] Generating subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst/bayer/gstbayerorc.c with a custom command
FAILED: subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst/bayer/gstbayerorc.c
/usr/local/bin/orcc --include glib.h --implementation -o subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst/bayer/gstbayerorc.c ../gstreamer/subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst/bayer/gstbayerorc.orc
WARNING: unexpected liborc library version 0.4.38 is being picked up by /usr/local/bin/orcc, which is version 0.4.37. This might be because orc was installed from source and is also installed via packages, and liborc from the wrong prefix is used. Check your system setup.
[18/1144] Linking target subprojects/gst-plugins-bad/gst/codectimestamper/libgstcodectimestamper.so
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
ahmubashshir commented 2 months ago

WARNING: unexpected liborc library version 0.4.38 is being picked up by /usr/local/bin/orcc, which is version 0.4.37. This might be because orc was installed from source and is also installed via packages, and liborc from the wrong prefix is used. Check your system setup.

check your system