Closed RainerHeintzmann closed 3 years ago
Thank you for reporting this bug and providing an example. The issue was caused by a mistake in the logic that checks whether a file is stored in big-endian order. It should now be fixed on the master branch. Please verify if you get a chance.
In the current master branch three seems to be a file missing:
failed to load external entity .... "BioformatsLoader.jl/src/../deps/ome.xsd"
is not directly provided by this package, instead it is downloaded from the OME website when the package is built. This should happen automatically but if the download has failed for any reason you can retrigger the download by using ]build BioformatsLoader
(TemporaryEnvironment) pkg> build BioformatsLoader
Progress [========================================>] 2/2
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 3 seconds (47 already precompiled)
A failure could look like:
(TemporaryEnvironment) pkg> build BioformatsLoader
Building BioformatsLoader → `~/.julia/scratchspaces/44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f/6fb9fa2dbe439a9ec5a9642ee0f0b35cc8cbb2b6/build.log`
ERROR: Error building `BioformatsLoader`:
[ Info: Downloading version 6.5.1 of bioformats_package.jar from
ERROR: LoadError: Could not resolve host: while requesting
Cf. #5 and #9 .
Great. This time it worked. Funnily the same happened last time I tried to install it. Maybe you could catch this error and put out a message indicating to rerun the build? This may be quite helpful.
When reading in an
file of typeunsigned short
messes up the singed bit. You can try this dataset: which reads in fine inImageJ
and also via theload()
function of "Images" but not inBioformatsLoader.jl