ahodesuka / ahoviewer

A GTK image viewer, manga reader, and booru browser
MIT License
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Style #24

Closed bordermick closed 8 years ago

bordermick commented 8 years ago

I successfully installed ahoviewer in Arch Linux using the AUR but when I actually open it, the style has an ugly white to it. Is there a way so I can get it to look like your screenshot? This is what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/QV74vOI.png

adkow commented 8 years ago

Ahoviewer uses GTK, so if you want to change its style there's no other option than installing other theme for GTK. However, I can't say what theme @ahodesuka is using.

bordermick commented 8 years ago

I am currently using Numix as my GTK theme with Gnome as my DE

adkow commented 8 years ago

Your ahoviewer looks like it should with Numix installed. numix___gtk3_theme_by_satya164-d5ygul6

bordermick commented 8 years ago

Oh ok, that makes sense. In the Gnome tweak tool I enabled 'Global Dark Theme' so I assume that ahoviewer just isn't working with it. Is there any way that I can get that white to be dark?

adkow commented 8 years ago

I found @ahodesuka config in his dotfiles. ahodesuka/dotfiles/.gtkrc-2.0 It seems that he uses his own style.

In the Gnome tweak tool I enabled 'Global Dark Theme' so I assume that ahoviewer just isn't working with it. Is there any way that I can get that white to be dark?

Can't tell as I don't use Gnome but I'm pretty sure that changing theme to the dark one will work.

adkow commented 8 years ago

Oh, wait. Here it is. You just have to download his theme and put that in .themes directory like here: https://github.com/ahodesuka/dotfiles/tree/master/.themes/ahoka

bordermick commented 8 years ago

When I use the Ahoka theme it works fine, but I would like to keep using Numix if possible though. I tried disabling the 'Global Dark Theme' setting also, and it still looked the same as when I had it enabled, so im pretty sure its not taking effect on ahoviewer.

ahodesuka commented 8 years ago

In the Gnome tweak tool I enabled 'Global Dark Theme'

This does not affect GTK2 applications.

After taking a look at the Numix theme - they do not include a dark variant for GTK2. So you will need to find a dark variation of Numix's GTK2 theme, here is one I found after a quick search: https://github.com/Steef435/Numix-dark

This is how it looks for me: 2016-01-09-193242_997x905_scrot

bordermick commented 8 years ago

This works! Thank you for all the help :D