ahodges9 / LedFx

LedFx is a network based LED effect controller with support for advanced real-time audio effects! LedFx can control multiple devices and works great with cheap ESP8266 nodes allowing for cost effectvice syncronized effects across your entire house!
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Configuring WLED multisegments #114

Open swampdogmash opened 4 years ago

swampdogmash commented 4 years ago

Is there a way to connect to multiple segments with WLED?

jschollenberger commented 4 years ago

I was wondering the same thing. Did you happen to figure it out? I have multiple segments and I'm not sure if LedFX can support segments rather than doing it via multiple ESPs. The newer WLED has DMX support, but I can't figure out how it works.

swampdogmash commented 4 years ago

I never did figure this out. It just crashes when using the same ip for what is effectively a different segment defined by <same ip + different starting offset). It seemed to get really confused but the issue was raised in case I was doing it incorrectly. From what I can tell it appears that only a separate physical WLED with a different IP address could be used.

jschollenberger commented 4 years ago

Where are you configuring a starting offset?

I've just been clicking around and it definitely seems possible using the DMX universes but I still don't understand how they work. Without touching WLED, I configured 2 universes in LedFX - Universe 1 and Universe 2. It results in some strange behavior, but I've been able to break my 300 LED strip into 170 and 130 and control them separately.

swampdogmash commented 3 years ago

Thanks Jason. Yes, i had configured an offset to try and do this. I have a 300 led strip also. I configured ledfx with one device as ip+universe1+offset 0 and one as same ip+ same universe+ offset 450. This might be my mistake of not using 2 universes (giving the first universe a length of 45p and thus forcing universe 2). Ill have a look again and see what i can find out....

AlfonsoGo commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am interested in the control of several segments with the same LED strip, I cannot control it or adjust more than 85 LEDs per segment and without exceeding the 2 segments, you have any idea, I join this initiative, and when I get 85 LEDs of the first segment they light up they blink and they do strange things in the LEDs likewise does the 85 of the second segment

Vanixxx commented 3 years ago

Hi, somewhere in the wiki it says you have to set Universe Size to 510. This is how it worked for me with 300 Leds


WLED advises against writing from 2 different systems to different universes with the same WLED controller.