ahodges9 / LedFx

LedFx is a network based LED effect controller with support for advanced real-time audio effects! LedFx can control multiple devices and works great with cheap ESP8266 nodes allowing for cost effectvice syncronized effects across your entire house!
MIT License
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LedFx on OSMC for Vero4K+ - Installation issue #117

Open maichai opened 4 years ago

maichai commented 4 years ago

I just tried to install LedFx on OSMC Linux (Debian-based) on a Vero4K+ platform (ARM Kodi player).

sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install ledfx
ledfx --open-ui

pip3 says:

Collecting ledfx
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ledfx (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for ledfx

I guess pip3 doesn’t know the OSMC Linux distribution? Any idea how to proceed?

azzajess commented 4 years ago

It might be because that osmc comes preinstalled with python 3.5 and ledfx requires python 3.6?

Some of whats in here may be helpful in getting python 3.6 installed on osmc as well as LEDfx https://github.com/azzajess/OSMC-LEDFX-WLED/blob/master/Installing%20Python%203.6.md

maichai commented 4 years ago

OSMC comes with Python 3.7, so the older Python version is probably not the problem?

osmc@blah$ python
Python 2.7.13 (default, Sep 26 2018, 18:42:22) 
[GCC 6.3.0 20170516] on linux2