ahodges9 / LedFx

LedFx is a network based LED effect controller with support for advanced real-time audio effects! LedFx can control multiple devices and works great with cheap ESP8266 nodes allowing for cost effectvice syncronized effects across your entire house!
MIT License
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Using 3.5mm Audio Jack on Pi #75

Open invictim opened 4 years ago

invictim commented 4 years ago

I've been playing around with it for awhile but can't seem to get LedFx to find any audio devices on the Pi 3b, when I think it should be able to find the onboard device.

I was looking to have the Pi be used as a bluetooth or spotify device and play sound through the audio jack to speakers. The sound works coming out of the jack, but can't seem to get it to work with LedFx.

I also tried manually adding the device in the config file but this would crash LedFx (Seg Fault).

Not sure if this is a problem with a dependency or not.

shauneccles commented 4 years ago

The Pi doesn't have audio input, which is why it's not working.

You need a USB sound card - https://www.adafruit.com/product/1475 is the defacto suggestion.

lpearl commented 4 years ago

So I have done this before but its a pain to say the least! You will need to run a loopback on th pi, the one that I used was called jack (jackctl is the gui version). Also its not a problem with the dependancy, Its supposed to get audio from the audio input (kinda like a microphone) instead of the output.

shauneccles commented 4 years ago

I'd also be wary of how many controllers you plan on using with the pi - I've got a 4B overclocked to 2GHz and I run out of steam with >3 unicast controllers.