ahornung / humanoid_navigation

ROS stack with footstep planning and localization for humanoid robots: http://wiki.ros.org/humanoid_navigation
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how to run #16

Open zychaoqun opened 7 years ago

zychaoqun commented 7 years ago

hello, would you please tell me how to run your code? I have compile the code successfully and provide all the topic need for the package. When I run the nao_localization_test_motion.launch, I just can not see anything.I found the node didn't subscribe any topic. I deleted the code "reset();"in this file


at line 157, I found the node can subscribe the laser and point_cloud topic, but when I run rostopic echo /pose, there is nothing output. Would you please tell me what should I do to handle this?Should I do something to initialize this node before use? Many thanks!

ahornung commented 7 years ago

If you use the code from AravindaDP, please also use the issue tracker there.

I haven't used the code since ROS hydro and am no longer working on it actively. The reset() call is necessary and should not be deleted. You need some sort of initial pose estimate, either interactively or using global localization (needs more particles!).

If that doesn't help, best restore the original state of the code, recompile, and use rqt_consose (log level of the node: debug) to get an idea about what's happening in the code.