ahoskins / Winston

an AngularJS schedule builder for UAlberta students
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Unresponsive search field on mobile [Android 5.0, Chrome 41.0.2272.96] #28

Closed kohsh closed 8 years ago

kohsh commented 9 years ago

When searching for classes text will not flow into the field until the search results have been generated. This is not an issues when testing from a desktop's browser, i'm unsure of how this would behave in IOS Safari. Maybe we can get a list of different experiences and platform in the comments below. screenshot_2015-03-26-20-16-22

ahoskins commented 9 years ago

The accordion is as lazy as possible (it doesn't render courses in the DOM that aren't currently showed). But there are other improvements that could be made, in theory, using other techniques.

Listviews are so fast on native platforms like Android and iOS because tons of optimizations and recycling of views is done (like the ViewHolder pattern - lots of smart tricks like this). There are Javascript implementations that try to make really speedy ListViews. Like react's fixed data table

rosshamish commented 9 years ago

So @ahoskins this is feasible?

ahoskins commented 9 years ago

Well, the way I understand it, your basically sacrifice speed for versatility. Our accordion is triple nested and expandable on click. So I'm not sure it is feasible. But the fact is, there are smart implementations that make big sets of data faster - and these can be done for JS also.